- Episodes : Feature length film 4 of 5 (Movie)
- Genre : Sci-Fi, Action, Military, Mech, Political-Thriller
- Airing Date : July 2015
- Producers : SUNRISE
Code Geass Boukoku no Akito Nikushimi no Kioku Kara Preview / Plot (No Spoilers)
Continuing from the third movie, Akito, Leila, and the rest of the wZERO/Wyvern unit are now going to undertake once again another dangerous mission that they have no choice but to accept. Meanwhile, as Leila is distracted at headquarters trying to command the mission, she is requested to calm down the rioting in downtown Paris caused by Julius Kingsley and has to deal with Shin, Akito’s brother invading headquarters.

Who does Code Geass Boukoku no Akito Nikushimi no Kioku Kara cater to?
As a side story to the TV series that takes place between both seasons, the audience gets to see what things are like in the European front since the original series mostly focuses on Japan, Britannia, and the Chinese Federation. Beyond the mech action, the franchise is a highly unpredictable political thriller and shows that all governments are imperfect in a lot of ways and it is the will of the people that moves a nation and ultimately, the world.
Since the movies are connected, it is a pre-requisite to see the first three movies to fully understand the entire picture.
What's so appealing about this piece of work.
Though the TV series was mostly focused as a political thriller, the first movie was more mech action oriented, the second movie was about strategy, the third movie went back to the political/guerilla tactics and had themes of friendship, the fourth movie is about leadership and knowing when it is right to fight. Like in movies two and three, when it comes to action, if you are more about quality over quantity, this is the movie for you.
Code Geass Boukoku no Akito Nikushimi no Kioku Kara Original Movie trailer
Code Geass Boukoku no Akito Nikushimi no Kioku Kara Main Characters List
Akito Hyuuga

Voice Actor : Irino, Miyu
As a EU Knightmare pilot of Japanese ancestry, he is placed in a separate unit with other Japanese soldiers known as wZERO. By the time the movie starts, he has a reputation of being a vicious pilot feared by some of his own peers and foes. Despite his accomplishments, he is still subjected to discrimination by his fellow pilots. However, Akito has a mysterious twisted obsession with death that adds more mystery to his persona. Under the command of Leila Malkal, there is hope for him, as he is always willing to take part in their high-risk missions.
Leila Malkal

Voice Actor :Sakamoto, Maya
Leila is the daughter of an exiled Britannian politician who was assassinated. As she came of age, she joined the EU Army as an officer and now serves as the field commander of the wZERO’s Wyvern unit. Unlike a certain percentage of the EU Army who look down on the Japanese, Leila demonstrates a maternal sense of care for her unit. Despite the small chances of success the missions she and the wZERO unit are assigned to, they believe that low chances are better than no chances.
Shin Hyuuga Shaing

Voice Actor :Matsukaze, Masaya
Shin is the brother/rival of Akito who serves as a high-ranking officer for the Britannian Army. Like Akito, he shares a very mysterious past in relation to his obsession with death. In addition to both his psychological and physical abilities as a soldier, he possesses a terrifying power of Geass that only results in death. However, the circumstances to how he received his Geass have not been revealed. In this movie, we learn that he cares more about his adoptive family than his real family, and shares an obsession with death like Akito.
Ashura Ashley

Voice Actor :Terashima Takuma
A subordinate of Shin, Akito’s brother and leader of his own unit consisting of seven pilots, has a score to settle with Akito and the wZero unit due to the loss of one of his pilots, Yohane, to them. Wanting to settle the score alone, he does not allow the rest of his subordinates to be involved with his plan for revenge. He believes in luck and loves to play risky games like Russian roulette just to prove his point.
Contains Spoilers
Code Geass Boukoku no Akito Nikushimi no Kioku Kara Review
To start off, after the slower events in movie three in context to the Wyvern Unit, the movie gives them a chance to go all out in an exciting action sequence against Ashura Ashely, if you want to know more details, please refer more to the events section of this series.
After the opening action sequence, the movie mostly focuses on Leila and Shin. In context to Leila, the movie is mostly about developing her beyond being a unit leader, but also living up to the legacy of her family. After she wins the trust of the people, the top brass takes advantage by pretending that she is dead to further their own agenda. Despite this, Leila still has to do her job in protecting her unit and base from Shin who has come to take over.

The movie then gives more hints about Shin’s past and motivations, which will also be included in the three events section of this review. Despite being cool and calculated, he is progressively shown to be very megalomaniacal and if he achieves his goals, it can mean all out war worldwide.
The movie perfectly demonstrates what Leila is capable of doing on her own without the presence of the Wyvern Unit. She shows that when you remind her of what she is capable of, she will pull through for everyone. As for Akito, he has gained the respect of his new comrades and they do show how much they care for him since they became a team. By the end of the movie, Akito demonstrates very excellent development with how he has made peace with himself but the movie ends in a way that we know it isn’t over yet.
As for Julius and Suzaku, their roles are significantly reduced and they do get a very, very, very, very, very small cameo just to show what happened to them after the events of movie 3. Other than that, they play no direct role to the events of movie 4.

The animation for the opening battle scene is something that should be seen in theaters and not on a smartphone screen, PC monitor, or even a 4K TV. When you watch the fights from the lower angles, it makes you feel like you’re there in person in a way and you don’t need 3D glasses to be pulled in. It is still fast paced, balls to the walls, and adrenaline pumping. I always loved the mobility of the Knightmares and I love the frame rate and angles just perfectly reflect those qualities in these movies.
The jazzier flavor from the second movie comes back in this installment to add some suspense. The ending theme this time actually gives a more positive tone this time in comparison to other ending themes that were more depressing. The voice acting is still very impressive and the one actor who I enjoyed was that of Matsukaze Masaya as Shin, probably most famous as the voice of Mikami Teru from Deathnote.
To me, the voice of Hazuki Ryo from the Dreamcast cult classic, Shenmue. He has this dark voice and very commanding and not has hot tempered as Ryo. Comparing the performances of these characters are like polar opposites of each other and that is what impressed me most.
1. Wyvern Unit vs Ashura Ashley

To kick off this movie into overdrive and get the audience excited, the Wyvern Unit is back on the field and Ashura gets his shot at revenge for losing one of his pilots, Yohane, in the second movie. He lures the Wyvern unit into an airship and is equipped with a heavy firepower Knightmare frame with heavy armor.
For awhile, his tactical advantages in using the environment do frustrate our heroes, but since he used the wrong word towards Akito by telling him to die, it activated Akito’s geass and would lead him to his downfall. The animation is superbly wonderful and the enclosed and concealable environment allows it to be one of the most suspenseful mech battles since the final one from Gundam 08th MS Team.
2. Shin Hyuuga Shaing

The thing about Shin, Akito’s brother is he is a very complex villain, which make him unique. It shows the audience that he never cared about his natural family and when he sees a vision of his real mother, he swipes her away in fear while he reacts more positively to his adoptive family showing where his true loyalties lie.
When he meets with Leila, he reveals that his ultimate goal is world domination and plans on starting with taking over Britannia.
3. The After Trailer for Movie 5 Aishiki Monotachi He

The after credits trailer for movie 5 coming out on February 6, 2016 shows that Shin wants to make the fight personal for Akito. He wants to take everybody that Akito holds dear and kill them in front of his very eyes. Though originally intended to be released this fall, Movie 5, Aishiki Monotachi He or To The Beloved Ones, has been delayed to the date just stated.
The trailer shows the stakes are now getting higher and the final battle will settle the fates between the two brothers and probably the whole world.
All I can say is, don’t be surprised with the delay with the fifth movie at all but it is pleasing to see that the fourth movie come out just two months after the third. Once again, the movie does slow down a bit but the build up is worth it. After all the depressing scenes here and there, it is nice to see things end in a more optimistic tone even though the trailer of the fifth movie indicates that things are going to the extreme. But as I said in my previous review, when all the movies are done and out on DVD and/or Blu-ray, it will be nice to binge watch them to see the full picture at once.