What You Need to Know:
- The official website for the upcoming Fall 2015 anime, Comet Lucifer, revealed a new music video with images of the anime accompanied by the song, Cosmos no you ni, performed by fhána, who is also in charge of the opening theme song.
- The debut date has been unveiled at the same time: it will start on Tokyo MX, on the 4th of October, at 10:30pm.
- A new key visual has been added on the website as well. (see above)
- You can discover the characters and cast below.
Characters & Cast
Yuusuke Kobayashi as Sogo Amagi

Ayaka Ohashi as Felia

Rie Takahashi as Kaon Lanchester

Takuma Terashima as Roman Valov

Ayaka Suwa as Otto Moto

Inori Minase as Mo Ritika Tzetzes Ura, also named Moura

Source: Comet-Lucifer
Reactions Around the Web
I cried...
The heroin looks like Isla-chan!
They should use this for the OP!

The song was beautiful...

Indeed! I really like the graphics too!
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