What You Need to Know:
- It can be hard at times to remember everyone's birthday due to so many things happening throughout our lives, but there are just some things that you simply cannot forget. Today marks the birthday of two very notable characters (one more so than the other) in the anime world, and that's Goku from Dragon Ball and Giorno Giovanna from the most recent Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind.
- Both the Dragon Ball and Jojo series have been globally renowned for their consistent narrative, amazing cast of characters, and non-stop action that keeps you glued to your seat for hours. Goku is the main protagonist of Dragon Ball and he's such a loveable character because of his willingness to strive for better, being a strong role model for his son Gohan, but also a healthy rival to Vegeta. Not to mention that he's just a total badass when he goes into 5th gear and destroys everything around him.
- Giorno sort of follows the same premise in that, throughout much of Golden Wind, he became a role model to his team especially Bruno. He constantly strived to improve himself and always made an effort to put himself into the line of fire in order to ensure his team survived. Which of the two do you like better? For now, let's celebrate their birthday and be happy!

One thing they have in common, they both eventually have blond hair lol.

Who would win in this battle? Goku or Giorno?