Domo Arigatou Mr... Ukulele?

domo-uke-560x382 Domo Arigatou Mr... Ukulele?

What You Need to Know:

  • If you're the kind of otaku with musical talent, or maybe just like the idea of tinkering with the latest cool-kid instrument, we might just have found the perfect thing for you!
  • This Domo-themed ukulele isn't just a unique (and let's face it, hilarious) take on the well-loved instrument - it's also insanely high quality. Each ukulele is hand-crafted to order by Mitsuba Gakki, who have been making ukuleles in Japan for over fifty years.
  • There's just one downside - this baby will set you back a whopping $259.99. But if the people in the video below are anything to go by, playing this ukulele will make you unimaginably happy.

Source: Tokyo Otaku Mode

domo-uke-560x382 Domo Arigatou Mr... Ukulele?
I can make that face too!
domo-uke-560x382 Domo Arigatou Mr... Ukulele?
Please make that face while playing that ukulele!!

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