What You Need to Know:
- Japan’s top maid cafe chain maidreamin gives Canadian fans a double dose of Akihabara culture this month, returning to North America to perform at the four-day Fan Expo Canada event at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, August 30 – September 2.
- maidreamin’s upcoming appearance at Fan Expo Canada will be one of their biggest-ever overseas events as they present genuine maid cafe service and musical performances at the the largest comics, anime, and gaming event in Canada. Top maids Peace, Mariru, and Hima will represent the internationally popular restaurant chain, just a few weeks after maidreamin’s performance at Montreal’s Otakuthon earlier this month. maidreamin will take part in fan Q&As, autograph and photo sessions, and live concerts with exclusive goods available for fans throughout the weekend.
- maidreamin continues their overseas “service” and their mission to spread Japanese “moe” culture worldwide. Previous events include Anime Expo, Ani:Me Abu Dhabi, and Middle East Film and Comic Con Dubai. maidreamin has also collaborated on promotions for video games Dx2 Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation, Goddess Masters, Kurokishi to Shiro no Maou, and Akiba’s Trip 2, as well as Shibuya design firm Team Labo and cookware designer Joshi Spa. For more details, be sure to check out the official website!
Source: Official Press Release

Moe moe KYUUN!

Hope fans in Toronto enjoy the experience!
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