What You Need to Know:
- Nomad Games has unleashed a new Fighting Fantasy adventure titled Fighting Fantasy Legends, based on three of the classic gamebooks City of Thieves, Citadel of Chaos and The Warlock of Firetop Mountain.
- The objective of the game is to explore the dangerous continent of Allansia, facing rogues and monsters and piecing together cryptic clues to complete perilous quests. Will you help lift the curse on the village of Silverton and defeat Zanbar Bone, or choose first to journey to Firetop Mountain to defeat Zagor the Warlock. Your quest will not be complete without the assassination of Balthus Dire, who is protected by mythical monsters and dangerous fiends in the Citadel."
Source: Official Press Release
Official Trailer
Fighting Fantasy Legends: Gameplay Trailer

The story behind the game is interesting.

I think I'll pass on this one.
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