Game Info: (Box Display)
- System: PS4, Xbox One, PC, macOS, PC
- Publisher: Epic Games
- Developer: Epic Games
- Release Date: Jun 25, 2017
- Price:$39.99 (Free to Play in 2018)
- Rating: T for Teen
- Genre: Survival
- Players: 1-4
- Official Website: https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/home
Who it Caters to

What to Expect



The gameplay is where Fortnite really shines brightest. Players will need to survive against various zombie-like enemies and usually defend a specific location that changes depending on the mission. However, players won’t just need to shoot enemies and such but need to build structures around their base to hope to hold the zombie threat back. Building in Fortnite is addictive and tons of fun. You can literally build huge fortresses around defense points with traps and even make it where enemies will have to funnel in certain chokepoints. The building elements take a little bit to understand but before you know it you’ll be having the time of your life building defenses to withstand the various waves a mission will bring at you.
Now we would love to say you could build forever and ever but you need resources to do that as well as resources for your guns. Ammo, building structures and traps need different materials to craft and akin to Minecraft—which Epic Games and People Can Fly truly took some inspiration from—you’ll have to break down material in the world. Cars, other houses and various in game environments can be destroyed thus being used as materials for your building needs and while it can get repetitive to break so many objects, thanks to the silly nature of the game and how almost everything can be broke leads to that repetitive nature being held at bay.
Weapons are also really cool and interesting in Fortnite. Players will gain shotguns, pistols, swords and a whole slew of odd weapon types that can be used to take down the zombie enemies. However, besides worrying about ammo, most guns can be broken thus meaning you can’t rely on one gun too much you’ll need to be able to switch out weapons and be prepared to lose one of your favorites. At times this can be annoying—and a clear way to make players spend money but we’ll get into that in a moment—but it also keeps the game from being where one weapon dominates over everything else. Thankfully whether you’re using a pistol or sniper, all guns feel good and respond well.
Another impressive concept of Fortnite is the hero system. Players can earn heroes via completing story missions or from RNG mechanics like the piñatas—which are the game’s equivalent of side chests you can open for random goodies—to unlock the various heroes. Each hero has different stats such as health, defense and damage as well as other traits that can give them different supporting powers in a team. What we really loved though is that while there are loads of heroes, not one feels over powered in comparison to another, they all play similar enough but retain their individuality to give players a nice way of not just being in a room of other players who are all using the same hero.
The final cool elements of Fortnite come in the form of the graphics and voice acting. Honestly, Fortnite’s cartoony graphics look incredible and give the game a cool aesthetic that makes environments pop and feel fresh. Then we have the voice acting which is just tons of fun listening to corny one liners and plenty of movie/game references that made us laugh out loud more times than we could count. Unfortunately, we wish the music was just as good as the voice acting, but too often, it feels repetitive and we would rely on our own music just because we didn’t want to hear the same songs being played. This is more of a personal gripe though and we’re sure not everyone will have the same feeling with the music.
Now as we mentioned, Fortnite isn’t perfect and does have some rather annoying issues. At times Fortnite can be downright confusing with so many menus to filter through and various skill trees and survivors to micromanage. It’s not a huge issue but even after several hours we were still learning some of the menus and that’s an annoyance we couldn’t overlook. However, the biggest complaint we have of Fortnite is the Pay to Win mechanics which are cruel to sum it up in one word. If players want a chance at great guns, resources and new heroes to play as you’re either going to need to play a lot—and we mean a lot—or pay real life money. Some of the investment options can range from $59.99-$150 and that is just ridiculous. Whoever decided on those numbers for in-game loot should consider that the price doesn’t match with the actual benefits gained.
Honey's Gameplay Consensus:

Honey's Pros:
- Impressive Cartoon Visuals
- Innovative Survival game Concepts
- Fun co-op
- Addictive Building Mechanics
- Funny Dialogue
- Will be Free to Play in 2018
Honey's Cons:
- Pay to Win
- Sometimes overly confusing
- Can get repetitive
- Okay Music
Honey's Final Verdict:

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