Hand Shakers - Winter 2017

Handshakers-Visual-300x432 Hand Shakers - Winter 2017

Handshakers-Visual-300x432 Hand Shakers - Winter 2017

Hand Shakers

Supernatural, Drama, Action

Airing Date:
January 11 2017


Honey’s Highlights

Handshakers-Visual-300x432 Hand Shakers - Winter 2017
Bombon! Bombon! Honey-chan! Have you seen this PV?!?! It's so so so so epic! Winter 2017 is going to be something AMAZING!
Handshakers-Visual-300x432 Hand Shakers - Winter 2017
Wow! Look at the art! The 3DCG is done really well! This looks like No Game No Life but... on a much more epic scale!
Handshakers-Visual-300x432 Hand Shakers - Winter 2017
Isn't this the anime set in Osaka? I am so exited! This is beyond No Game No Life Honey-chan... this is like Ao no Exorcist meets No Game No Life with some epic Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei elements mixed in.
Handshakers-Visual-300x432 Hand Shakers - Winter 2017
Bombon, you nailed it! This is great! Wow. I really wonder how else this epic Supernatural Action Drama anime can become?

Promotional Videos / PV

Official Images / Key Visuals


This is Osaka. Tazuna, a high-school student with a knack for mechanics, accepts a certain repair request and visits a university research facility. There, he meets Koyori, a lone girl asleep on a bed. As though being led by something, Tazuna touches her fingertips - and a voice flows into him from a place unknown.

“They, who overcome numerous battles, who overcome trials.
They, who accept divine revelation.
They, who confront themselves, who make sure not to challenge.
These are Hand Shakers...”

Tazuna is left bewildered as a new world, Ziggurat, lays before him. Within an instant, Tazuna and Koyori are attacked by something.

The many Hand Shakers who must confront god stand in the way of Tazuna and Koyori. Laying their own ‘wishes’ on the line...

Hand Shakers---
are the people who come together joining hands, and bear weapons born from the depths of one’s psyche called “Nimrod”. Together they fight.
In order to grant one’s wish, many Hand Shakers fight against each other in a competition of power to reach the pinnacle, where they can meet with “god” and defeat this so called “god”.
There, waiting at the end…. I will protect her… with these hands.

Three Episode Impression

Hand Shakers feels a lot like watching a really pretty anime. No surprise since this comes from the people who put together K and K: Return of Kings. Besides a really off-color intro scene, it does feel like this series is not really going anywhere in the first two episodes. It feels a lot like the meme ‘We heard u like xxx’. Loli girl? Check. Chibi-esque boy? Check. Crazy power? Check. Oh, and let’s make her mute for additional bonus cute points? Check. The story feels like it was made for a shounen audience, but watching it feels like the creators are trying to draw in girls. Are they trying to take a josei concept and make it more mainstream/bring more female fans into the series? Possibly. However, don’t use that as a way to dismiss hand Shakers. The art is really well done. In fact, at times, it can feel like you are watching an art museum moving before your eyes. Episode three did give us what we wanted, which was more fighting and less plot. It did not come until the end of episode three but it was good. The other merit to this series is that it is set in Osaka and not Tokyo. This is very, very rare for the anime industry. Many famous Osakan landmarks are also appearing which enriches the viewing even more. 10/10? Maybe not. But definitely worth the watch. Just don’t hold out too much for the plot unless it evolves rapidly here.

Characters & Voice Actors List

Tazuna Takatsuki

Voice Actor: Souma Saitou

Code name: Single=Gear.
A highschool student who is good at mechanics and is always running around doing repairs for people. He is more focused than the average person, but worries about the fact that this makes him unaware of his surroundings. He became a Hand Shaker after holding hands with Koyori while she was sleeping in a laboratory. Koyori, who will die if he lets go of her hand, reminds Tazuna of his younger sister who passed away.

Koyori Akutagawa

Voice Actor: Sumire Morohoshi

Code name: ???.
A girl who was sleeping in a laboratory. After having her hand held by Tazuna she woke up and they became Hand Shaker partners. She is expressionless and doesn’t speak. If she doesn’t hold hands with Tazuna at all times, even when she’s going to bed, she will lose her life force and die. Furthermore, for her losing a Hand Shaker fight means actual death.

Riri Hojo

Voice Actor: Ai Kayano

Code name: Fortune=Card.
An honours student who is gentle but firm. The student council president at Tazuna’s school. Her special skill is tarot card reading and, using this skill, she often advises those around her. Masaru’s older sister.

Masaru Hojo

Voice Actor: Ayumu Murase

Code name: Emperor=Card.
A mature and calm intellectual, so much so that you wouldn’t think he is just twelve years old. Although he’s amazed by his sister’s behaviour, he’s always doing his best to look after her. His special skill is card games and he’s the number one player in the district. Whenever he’s playing games you can catch a glimpse of another side to his personality.

Chizuru Mitsudera

Voice Actor: Sumire Uesaka

Code name: Dagger=Shadow.
She may be extremely petite and often mistaken for a middle schooler, but she’s actually a working adult. Despite her looks she’s very capable at her job. What’s more, she’s a hard worker and a woman of character - she’s practically perfect. She often makes witty comebacks to her subordinate, Hayate.

Hayate Azuma

Voice Actor: Kaito Ishikawa

Code name: Blade=Shadow.
Chizuru’s subordinate and a new employee. An easygoing man. He’s extremely tall and often gets mistaken for being Chizuru’s boss - she gets mad at him whenever that happens. A hard worker who is good at backing up Chizuru.

Kodama Awaza

Voice Actor: Mikako Komatsu

Code name: Sing=Sword.
One of the strongest Hand Shakers. Fights alongside Hibiki. Cheerful and self-assured, she’s a confident girl. She usually works as an idol. She stands out for her occasional use of proverbs and her pigtails.

Hibiki Moriyama

Voice Actor: Tomokazu Sugita

Code name: Sonic=Sword.
A Hand Shaker that fights alongside Kodama. He was a businessman until he left his job in order to support Kodama, and now works as her manager. He is always deeply moved by everything Kodama says or does and is quick to compliment her.


Voice Actor: Jun Fukuyama

Code name: Break=Chain.
A Hand Shaker who fights alongside Bind to make their wish come true. He uses his power to control Bind.


Voice Actor: Youko Hikasa

Code name: Bind=Chain.
A Hand Shaker who fights alongside Bind to make their wish come true. Is dependant on Break.

Nagamasa Makihara

Voice Actor: Showtaro Morikubo

An associate professor at Tazuna’s school. The first researcher of Handshakers. He’s always hyper and once he starts talking to someone, he often ends up leaving them behind. His philosophy in life is to be positive. His favourite food is shuumai, Chinese-style dumplings.

Theme Songs
  • Opening Song: One Hand Message by OxT
  • Ending Song: Yume Miru Ame by Akino Arai

Main Staff
  • Original Creator: GoHands x Frontier Works x Kadokawa
  • Director: Shingo Suzuki, Hiromichi Kanazawa
  • Series Composition: Hiromichi Kanazawa
  • Character Design: Takayuki Uchida
  • Animation Director: Takayuki Uchida, Makoto Furuta
  • Music: Kadokawa/Goon Trax

For more information: Official Website

(Credit Honey’s Anime when you use our description.)