What You Need to Know:
- After Ebina from Himouto! Umaru-chan came first in a popularity poll, an announcement for a spin-off series for Ebina was announced. Motoba fans were outraged after hearing this announcement.
- Read what happened below!
Ebina gets first place, spin-off announcement made
Fans of Motoba (2nd place) go berserk
Motoba fans spam creator through direct mails to cancel Ebina spin-off
Numerous Motoba fans spamming demands for a Motoba spin-off instead
Motoba fans are complaining that they still lost despite cheating multiple votes everyday
Fans of Motoba (2nd place) go berserk
Motoba fans spam creator through direct mails to cancel Ebina spin-off
Numerous Motoba fans spamming demands for a Motoba spin-off instead
Motoba fans are complaining that they still lost despite cheating multiple votes everyday
Source: Yaraon!
Reactions Around the Web
Is this for real? That's disgusting.
Motoba fans are insane.
Motoba will have more appearances with an Ebina spin-off anyway, so I'm happy.
I have to agree. Ebina's just a 食いしん坊 (glutton). There doesn't seem to be much more to her character than that
This has nothing to do with me whom voted for Sylphin.

Well, we all knew that otaku can be scary.

I'm surprised they'd go through all that effort...
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