HoneyWorks' Vocaloid-Based Anime Movie Sequel Announced

zutto-mae-kara-suki-deshita-560x315 HoneyWorks' Vocaloid-Based Anime Movie Sequel Announced

What You Need to Know:

  • A while back, we brought you the news that popular vocaloid producers HoneyWorks' Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai: Renai Series would be getting an animated film titled Zutto Mae Kara Suki Deshita.
  • Now, it's been announced on the official movie website that the series will continue with a second movie in summer, titled Suki ni Naru Shunkan (The Moment You Fall in Love.)
  • It has also been announced that the theme song for the first film will be titled Koiiro ni Sake and performed by ChiCO with HoneyWorks!
zutto-mae-kara-suki-deshita-560x315 HoneyWorks' Vocaloid-Based Anime Movie Sequel Announced

Source: Official Website

zutto-mae-kara-suki-deshita-560x315 HoneyWorks' Vocaloid-Based Anime Movie Sequel Announced
Woah, a sequel movie announced before the first one is even out? Pretty impressive.
zutto-mae-kara-suki-deshita-560x315 HoneyWorks' Vocaloid-Based Anime Movie Sequel Announced
This series looks seriously cute, I want to buy all the songs before the movies come out!

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