Ultimate Middle Finger to the Fans
- Episodes : 6
- Genre : Action, Shounen, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
- Airing Date : January 23, 2019
- Producers : Toei Animation
Contains Spoilers
Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya Season 1 Part 2 Introduction
Continuing where season 1 leaves off, Seiya and the rest of the Bronze Saints must protect Athena from the forces of the corrupted Sanctuary and the private forces of Vander Graad. Sanctuary has beefed up their security as they now have sent Silver Saints and Gold Saints in order to fight the forces of Athena and retrieve the Golden Cloth of Sagittarius. Not willing to go down without a fight, Seiya and his friends use every ounce of strength in order to take down these escalating threats.

1. Absolutely Nothing
To be frank with you, readers, whatever positive qualities we could share about this version of Saint Seiya, has already been said in our review of part 1. Part 2 doesn’t add anything new or special and everything that has been done in this version, you can already watch in the original 1986 series, but better. Other than the last two episodes of Seiya and company putting an end to the forces of Vander Graad, there’s really no new material to keep it fresh.
1. Fights Are Too Short
As crazy as it may sound, the fights in this installment are way too short. They lack the same intensity that the original offers. In the new version, when a Bronze Saint discovers a Silver Saint’s weakness, it’s easily exploitable while in the original, the fights had a more strategic element to them even when weaknesses were discovered, most notably when Shiryu fights Perseus. If anything, Bill Goldberg probably has more moves in his wrestling matches than any fights in part 2 has to offer (for those who aren’t wrestling fans, Goldberg only has two moves).
2. Ikki’s Return
How Ikki returns in this new version lacks the same dramatic flair as his comeback in the original anime and/or manga. Considering we don’t know if this version of Saint Seiya is going to get renewed (hopefully, it won’t), we can’t blame them for bringing him back sooner than anticipated.
3. It Insults the Intelligence of the Fans
We can just jump on the bandwagon and easily bash this series for going CG, but that’s just beating a dead horse. However, we feel that this installment of Saint Seiya, especially its dub script, is an insult in the same way the 2016 Ghostbusters is an insult to the 1984 Ghostbusters. If this were a 1989 North American dub to the original anime, the changes would certainly be forgivable. It’s now two thousand f’n twenty and everyone and their mom knows what anime is and that it comes from Japan. There is no reason to change the names of the cast! As we said in our review of season 1, if the dub can still call Pegasus Ryuseiken the Pegasus Ryuseiken, they can still call Shiryu, Hyoga, Shun, Ikki, and Saori by the original names!
Final Thoughts

If anyone from Netflix and/or Toei bothers is reading this, on behalf of the fans, please cancel that abomination of a series RIGHT NOW! The fans didn’t want this remake! Present fans know that this won’t help bring in new fans! The fans want something fresh, such as a continuation of The Lost Canvas (WE’RE STILL OWED A THIRD SEASON!!), or maybe make faithful anime adaptations to Episode.G or The Next Dimension! Heck, we can settle with sequels to Saintia Sho or Omega!
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