Let's Have A Manga Burning Party!

Bleach-Shocked-20160820205157-560x315 Let's Have A Manga Burning Party!

What You Need to Know:

  • We had bround you news that Bleach was ending. Then we brought you news that Bleach was getting a live action movie rumor. Then we brought you that it was confirmed with an actor revealed. Now, with the manga reaching a conclusion, Japanese otaku are freaking out.
  • Bleach has had a long run and the general online Japanese consensus was that it should have ended five years ago. That however, did not stop the magnaka from making more, much to the bittersweet chagrin of readers. Yes they wanted more but they also did not for fear that it would end in a bad place.
  • Now that the final chapter is out, many people are mad. To say that is an understatement is far from the truth. This otaku was so disappointed and angry about the ending that was released this week, that they took all of their volumes of manga, all of them from one to the end along with the final story, and burned them. They could have sold them for a lot of money... Photos below!
"It was way worse than I thought it was going to be."
Bleach-Shocked-20160820205157-560x315 Let's Have A Manga Burning Party!

Source: Yaraon

Reactions Around the Web

Well the last story was absolute s***
Why go to all the trouble of before and after pictures???
Was it really THAT bad? I mean there are going to be spinoffs.
It can't be helped. The author really made us all look stupid.
It was not that the ending was that bad, but moreso the path leading up to it.

Bleach-Shocked-20160820205157-560x315 Let's Have A Manga Burning Party!
Woah.... that is intense.
Bleach-Shocked-20160820205157-560x315 Let's Have A Manga Burning Party!
I get being mad but... this? It seems a little extreme. What a waste of money.