Little Miss P - It’s Funny Because It’s True!

Little-Miss-P-Cover-348x500 Little Miss P - It’s Funny Because It’s True!
  • Mangaka : Koyama, Ken
  • Publisher : Yen Press
  • Genre : Comedy
  • Published : June 25, 2019

If you’re a woman or know someone who is, you probably know that there is a time of the month when, no matter what’s going on in your life, everything just sucks. If you’re a guy, you’ve probably suffered the collateral damage. That’s right, we’re talking about having a period!

Ken Koyama’s Little Miss P manga tells 10 short stories about different women of different ages and walks of life and their experiences as menstruating women. Some stories are funny, some are inspiring, others educational, but all are based on real women’s experiences. Little Miss P started as webcomic titled Seiri-chan (lit. Menstruation-chan), is still serialized, and had a movie and the first manga released in 2019!

Contains Spoilers

Period Punch!

Little-Miss-P-Cover-348x500 Little Miss P - It’s Funny Because It’s True!

Little-Miss-P-Cover-348x500 Little Miss P - It’s Funny Because It’s True!

Right off the bat, within the first 4 pages, there is an incredibly accurate moment where we get to know what Little Miss P is like. The girl in the story is having a hard time dealing with her husband and trying to have a baby when Little Miss P shows up. As she’s telling her about all her issues and feelings, Little Miss P just says “...that’s true. Well, it’s about time for the usual” and proceeds to “Period Punch!” her right in the belly… Ain’t that the truth... We’ve all been there as women and it’s absolutely hilarious!

Every Woman is Different

While all women experience periods, each woman is different and even each month can be different too. One of the best parts of Little Miss P is that it is relatable to women of every age. Whether they are waiting for their first period, past menopause, or thinking about starting a business or a revolution, all women will understand and enjoy Little Miss P.

It’s Not ALL About Periods...

While the main topic and (period) punchline is Little Miss P herself and the repercussions of her visits, there is also a lot in the manga about female dynamics. From women bonding with their future stepdaughters to body image and self-esteem issues, at least one story inside will speak to the readers.

It’s Not All About Women Either!

Little-Miss-P-Cover-348x500 Little Miss P - It’s Funny Because It’s True!

Another surprising aspect in Little Miss P is that there are actually a lot of boys and men in it! Because, just like in reality, when Little Miss P’s visiting, everybody is affected! Some of the male appearances are caring husbands and boyfriends, as well as teenage boys, who usually travel with libido-kun or virginity-kun (or both!). Absolutely priceless.

Final Thoughts

Little-Miss-P-Cover-348x500 Little Miss P - It’s Funny Because It’s True!

Menstruation is one of those things that most people avoid talking about and feel uncomfortable around but Little Miss P does away with all of that and brings the conversation out in the open, making it real, relatable, funny, and uniting women—and they’re supportive partners.

There are also a couple of educational stories included! Like one involving Miss Hokusai’s experience having to use a menstruation hut (look it up, it’s crazy; especially considering Nepal was still practicing this in 2019), and another about how sanitary pads came to Japan!

All in all, with its relaxed art style and clever writing, we recommend Little Miss P to anyone who has ever had a period or might get their first soon! Even the guys in their lives will get a chuckle from it! Have you read Little Miss P yet? Talk to us in the comments!

Little-Miss-P-Cover-348x500 Little Miss P - It’s Funny Because It’s True!


Author: Lizzy Nyanko

An otaku as far as I can remember. I grew up playing video games, watching anime in Spanish in Mexico where I grew up, and then was a member of both anime clubs at UTEP for my entire university life when I moved to Texas. I love going to cons, I used to cosplay (always hoping to get back into it), and I got to live in Japan for 2 years and be an otaku there! It was literally a dream come true! Now back in the US, I love being a writer and editor for Honey’s. It’s a great chance to keep up with all the latest anime each season and up to date with all otaku news. And without our readers, that wouldn’t be possible so, thank you for being a part of our hive!!

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