Love Live! Sunshine!! Releases DVD Covers! Move Over Ruby...

Love-Live-Sunshine-wallpaper-1-560x362 Love Live! Sunshine!! Releases DVD Covers! Move Over Ruby...

What You Need to Know:

  • Otaku love Love Live! Sunshine!! This is not news to anyone under the sun.
  • With the show being on air, it is very obvious that this is taking off and we are looking at the next big arm of this franchise. With the show now on it's 8th episode, it's dominating rankings and charts and the live shows have just about sold out. You Watanabe is a bit of a Japanese fan favorite to say the least.
  • When the cover art was released though, Japanese fans lost their marbles once again over her. It's either the production company being nice or they are trying to make sure that they capture as many sales as possible. Can you find out why? Check out the cover images below!
Love-Live-Sunshine-wallpaper-1-560x362 Love Live! Sunshine!! Releases DVD Covers! Move Over Ruby...

Love-Live-Sunshine-wallpaper-1-560x362 Love Live! Sunshine!! Releases DVD Covers! Move Over Ruby...

Source: Yaraon

Reactions Around the Web

You!!!! She is so.... tantalizing!
Crap... I need to be excused.
She wants to do something naughty by the pool perhaps?
You that is not okay!
Isn't this pushing it a little?

Love-Live-Sunshine-wallpaper-1-560x362 Love Live! Sunshine!! Releases DVD Covers! Move Over Ruby...
I am all for sexy poses of my waifu... but some of these comments creep me out.
Love-Live-Sunshine-wallpaper-1-560x362 Love Live! Sunshine!! Releases DVD Covers! Move Over Ruby...
It's okay! Jut look at Rio and how much she shines in the natural light!

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