Meikyuu Black Company (The Dungeon of Black Company)

Meikyuu Black Company

Comedy, Fantasy, Isekai

Airing Date:
July 9, 2021


Promotional Videos / PV

Official Images / Key Visuals


“I don’t wanna work!” is Kinji Ninomiya’s mantra. He worked hard to make his dream of becoming a professional loafer come true and is now able to live a cushy life off of his investments. However, he is unexplainably transported to another world right at the very moment he is ready to begin his idle life. He arrives in a labyrinth-like workplace run by an evil corporation.

His leisurely life completely changes in an instant and every day he is forced to do physical labor, shedding blood, sweat and tears in a mine that was once called “The Dungeon.” The worksite is a harsh environment with long hours and low wages. And on top of that, he is harassed by his boss, exploited, and brainwashed into thinking his job is rewarding. He’s now stuck being what he used to look down on—a corporate slave.

However, Kinji is not going to just sit there and take it! He’s determined to get his perfect life of leisure back by any means necessary, using his craft and cunning to tenaciously climb the social ladder.

This is the indomitable story of a prideful and highly unconventional young man who just doesn’t want to work anymore.

Characters & Voice Actors

Meikyuu-Black-Company-KV Meikyuu Black Company (The Dungeon of Black Company)
Kinji Ninomiya: Katsuyuki Konishi

An ex-celebrity and professional loafer. After being transported to another world, he spends his days working as a corporate drone doing manual labor for an evil corporation called Leissach Mining Industries. In order to escape from the hell he’s living in, he uses any means necessary to climb the social ladder. He’s a self-centered guy who is crafty and cunning.
Meikyuu-Black-Company-KV Meikyuu Black Company (The Dungeon of Black Company)
Rim: Misaki Kuno

A dragon-like creature Kinji meets in Detmold Labyrinth. She usually takes the form of a young girl. She has a ravenous appetite and is always hungry. If she ever misses a meal, she goes berserk and will try to eat anything she can get her hands on. She’s an ultimate good-for-nothing.
Meikyuu-Black-Company-KV Meikyuu Black Company (The Dungeon of Black Company)
Wanibe: Hiro Shimono

A human-like reptile who works for Leissach Mining Industries. Due to his timid and overly serious personality, he is a stereotypical corporate slave that is always being pushed around. He tends to get dragged into Kinji’s schemes, but despite that, they’re pretty good friends. Being from the countryside, he knows a lot about wildflowers.
Meikyuu-Black-Company-KV Meikyuu Black Company (The Dungeon of Black Company)
Shia: Megumi Toda

A female employee at Leissach Mining Industries. She is called “The Hero’s Return” because of the great feats she has accomplished, but she is the ultimate corporate slave. Though she’s modest and polite, she’s way too loyal and imposes her stifling spirit of dedication to the company on others. Her motto is “Work until you die and keep working after that.”
Meikyuu-Black-Company-KV Meikyuu Black Company (The Dungeon of Black Company)
Ranga: M・A・O

A mage who treats Kinji as a savior. He is cheerful and loveable, but is also a tough person who is aware of his own cuteness. He’s a crossdressing boy who bewitches men far and wide with his appearance and free spirited behavior.
Meikyuu-Black-Company-KV Meikyuu Black Company (The Dungeon of Black Company)
Berza: Satomi Satou

A female executive officer at Leissach Mining Industries who puts the company’s profits first. She exploits the workers by feeding them lines such as “you are doing rewarding work” and “the company has a high customer satisfaction rate thanks to you.” She is the embodiment of Leissach Mining Industries and views Kinji’s defiant attitude as a problem.
Meikyuu-Black-Company-KV Meikyuu Black Company (The Dungeon of Black Company)
Goblin Boss: Wataru Takagi

The foreman of the mining section Kinji and Wanibe belong to. He harasses his workers, is always getting on their case about meeting quotas, and is quick to preach his ideals. He kisses up and kicks down. The only time he is ever in a good mood is when the quota is met.
Meikyuu-Black-Company-KV Meikyuu Black Company (The Dungeon of Black Company)
Meikyu Ari A (Ant at Maze): Yoshitsugu Matsuoka

Meikyuu Ari is an ant-type monster living in a Detmold Labyrinth. A is one of them.

Other TitleThe Dungeon of Black Company
Theme Songs
  • Opening Song: "Shimi" by HOWL BE QUIET (APARTMENT)
  • Ending Song: "World is Mine" by Humbreaders
"Meikyuu Black Company" (Manga)
Meikyuu-Black-Company-KV Meikyuu Black Company (The Dungeon of Black Company)

Main Staff
  • Original Creator: Youhei Yasumura
  • Director: Miku Minato
  • Series Composition: Deko Akao
  • Character Design: Yuki Sawairi
  • Sound Director: Norisuke Koizumi
  • Music: TAKU INOUE

For more information: Official Website, Twitter

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