Moments in Anime: Koyomi Araragi VS Suruga Kanbaru

Hitagi-Senjougahara-Bakemonogatari-capture-Image-3-560x315 Moments in Anime: Koyomi Araragi VS Suruga Kanbaru

Contains Spoilers

What You Need to Know:

  • The world of Bakemonogatari is always filled with dramatic events that leave fans itching for more, and what to expect from the outcomes lying ahead. There's one memorable moment from the series that fans will likely remember and that's the battle between Koyomi Araragi and Suruga Kanbaru. Spoilers ahead if you haven't watched this yet, but for those that have, this is a walk down memory lane.
  • Suruga was unfortunately cursed with what's known as the "Hand of the Ape", a kind of oddity that makes an appearance in the Bakemonogatari series. This hand is able to realize the dreams of the owner, but in a very cruel and distorted manner. There's a trade-off to the owners wishes, for example "I want to win first prize in tomorrow's race", the owner will ultimately win but as a trade off their opponents will be wounded or killed by the Ape.
  • So with that in mind, Suruga is blessed with great atheletic prowess and he immediately falls in love with Hitagi Senjougahara. Suruga then wishes that he and Hitagi fall in love with each other, and so the Ape attempts to make his dreams a reality by attacking Koyomi because it thought that with Koyomi out of the way, Hitagi could truly accept Suruga's love.
  • So in an attempt to protect himself, Koyomi fights against Suruga over Hitagi. Consequently, Hitagi herself appears between them, in order to protect her boyfriend Koyomi. The rest, we shall leave to you to find out!

  • Hitagi-Senjougahara-Bakemonogatari-capture-Image-3-560x315 Moments in Anime: Koyomi Araragi VS Suruga Kanbaru
    A very heartfelt moment but also very dramatic too. One of my favorites.
    Hitagi-Senjougahara-Bakemonogatari-capture-Image-3-560x315 Moments in Anime: Koyomi Araragi VS Suruga Kanbaru
    Still resonates with me to this day!