What You Need to Know:
- MediaMation MX4D will unveil its turnkey, eSports business plan in partnership with the legendary TCL Hollywood Chinese Theater and Hammer Esports during the E3 Expo in Los Angeles from June 13-15, 2017.
- Announced at CinemaCon 2017, MediaMation moves forward with their claim by offering a taste of the world's first MX4D eSports Theatre at e3 trade show in Los Angeles in June.
- MediaMation will showcase a sampling of their MX4D eSports Theatre (to be installed into TCL Chinese Theatre Q3) at the e3 show, booth 3233. For more check out the official website!
Source: Official E3 Press Release

Now this looks quite interesting, I wonder how it will all work?

Only one way to find out, and that's for us to go to E3!
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