What You Need to Know:
- It has been announced that Natsume Yuujinchou (Natsume's Book of Friends) will be getting two special episodes bundled with the 4th and 5th volumes of the 5th season DVDs.
- The first will be titled Hitoyo Sakazuki, wherein Natsume saves a yokai married couple. In the second, titled Yuugi no Utage, Natsume follows Nyanko-sensei to a party.
- The 4th DVD goes on sale on 22 March, with the 5th going on sale on 26 April.
Source: Official Website

So we get two specials as well as a sixth season? Lucky!

Honestly, you can never have too much Natsume. Every episode is amazing, including the OVAs. I can't wait for these two.
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