New Manga Mixes Natsume Souseki and... Zombies?!

kokoro-of-the-dead-560x326 New Manga Mixes Natsume Souseki and... Zombies?!

What You Need to Know:

  • If you've ever looked into classic Japanese literature, you'll have noticed that one name in particular always comes up: Natsume Souseki. His works have not only influenced other literary writers, but have even received anime and manga adaptations!
  • However, these adaptations don't necessarily follow the source material. Take for example Sankichi Meguro and Kyousuke Kagami's latest take on one of Natsume's most famous works, which they have titled Kokoro of the Dead.
  • In this manga, the protagonist is a zombie hunter and the sensei he meets is none other than a swordsman! Serialisation starts on May 27, but the first six pages can already be viewed here!
kokoro-of-the-dead-560x326 New Manga Mixes Natsume Souseki and... Zombies?!

kokoro-of-the-dead-560x326 New Manga Mixes Natsume Souseki and... Zombies?! K

kokoro-of-the-dead-560x326 New Manga Mixes Natsume Souseki and... Zombies?! Sensei

kokoro-of-the-dead-560x326 New Manga Mixes Natsume Souseki and... Zombies?! Ojou-san

Source: Natalie

Reactions Around the Web

I have no idea what to make fun of first
Wait. Hang on, this is weird. This is definitely weird.
Why zombies?! Lol
This has so much potential! I'll read it!

kokoro-of-the-dead-560x326 New Manga Mixes Natsume Souseki and... Zombies?!
Everyone knows that everything can be improved with zombies... Zombies, and ecchi.
kokoro-of-the-dead-560x326 New Manga Mixes Natsume Souseki and... Zombies?!
This sounds more like a comedy to me?! But I'm definitely interested!

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