Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart - Summer 2017 Anime

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Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat

Slice of Life, Ecchi, Harem

Airing Date:
July 12 2017

DMM.futureworks, W-Toon Studio

Promotional Videos / PV

Visual Novel PV:

Official Images / Key Visuals


Hades: the world of those who are no longer with us.

With all of the confidence that Princess Patricia has in her tremendous powers, she is sent to Earth to destroy it per her mother’s orders. While she has been sent to eradicate all living things on heart, what is her true intention?

Three Episode Impression

Nora, Princess and Stray Cat is an anime short that you kind of expect. The animation style, plot progression, and silliness can remind many of us of Wagamama High Spec or JK Meshi, which in a word is just “bad”. It’s more for brief entertainment and comedy than anything else. Each episode starts with a plot dump aka Nora’s backstory and the rest of the 3 minutes is dedicated to stupid antics. The characters have a high regard for Patricia and yet, they hate Nora for taking all of her time and power, which is a running gag. As an anime short, don’t expect much from Nora, Princess and Stray Cat, but if you have a few minutes here and there, it doesn’t hurt to watch it.

Characters & Voice Actors List

Patricia of End

Voice Actor: Natsumi Takamori

Nora is the princess of Hades. She was sent to Earth to destroy everything, but once she arrived, she fell in love with a human boy named Nora. She is extremely confident in her tremendous magical abilities. Patricia is able to travel freely between the worlds of the living and the dead giving her that much more magical power.

Michi Kuroki

Voice Actor: Eri Sendai

Michi is a serious student and a member of the discipline committee at school. She believes that she should manage and regulate the relationship between men and women. She is naturally in the popular top class at school. One day, she unexpectedly offers a suggestion to become Nora’s romance affairs specialist.

Shachi Yuuri

Voice Actor: Yuu Asakawa

Shachi has a rather gentle and quiet heart. When she was younger she was taken in by Nora’s family and so she owes them a debt of gratitude. Generally speaking, she does all of the household chores at their house. She is good at cooking so she is very popular in the neighborhood with the children as the girl who cooks. It is said that when she is sad, it will begin to start raining.

Yuuki Asuhara

Voice Actor: Atsumi Tanezaki

Yuuki is a bright girl who does not discriminate against anyone. She has many friends and she holds multiple part time jobs. Due to Nora’s upbeat personality, boys often call out to her and ask her out. She has been told a few times that she is a bit of a flashy girl, and she is thinking about getting a boyfriend soon.

Other TitleNora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart
Theme Songs
  • Opening Song: Ne! Ko! by Patricia of End (Natsumi Takamori), Michi Kuroki (Eri Sendai), Shachi Yuuri (Yuu Asakawa), Yuuki Asuhara (Atsumi Tanezaki)
Visual Novel

Main Staff
  • Original Creator: Itsuki Oozora, HARUKAZE
  • Director: Kenshiro Morii
  • Script: hato
  • Character Design: Soushi Kinutani, Seiya Miyajima
  • Sound Director: Jin Aketagawa
  • Original Illustrator: Itsuki Oozora
  • Music: Shintarou Mori

For more information: Official Website

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