Game Info: (Box Display)
- System: PC
- Publisher: Lemonbomb Entertainment
- Developer: Lemonbomb Entertainment
- Release Date: Mar 15, 2018
- Price:$17.99
- Price: E for Everyone
- Genre: Action, Multiplayer
- Players: 1-4
- Official Website:
Who it Caters to

What to Expect



Nova Nukers! doesn’t have a story mode or plot to it. Players choose from anthropomorphic beings to run on spherical planets/battlegrounds in order to capture foes after knocking them down with weapons and other gadgets. The premise is simple enough and with only one game mode to choose from this is the very essence of Nova Nukers! as a whole. However, this is where Nova Nukers! misses a few marks while equally being a game that does stand out from other titles like it.
The action element of Nova Nukers! is quite different and extremely easy to learn but with room to master. Players will gain random items, weapons and gadgets to destroy the landscape of the area their in and to knock down an opponent. Once an opponent is down, players will then attempt to capture them by holding down a button all while the other player will attempt to escape before being taken down. Depending on the match settings—with player being able to increase the capture amount for a win—the round will continue till all players are caught or defeated by falling into pits and or into lava/poison. It’s a simple formula but that’s what works for Nova Nukers! as a whole.
Thanks to having numerous weapons and items, Nova Nukers! gives players a vast amount of ways to capture their opponents. For example, there are simple grenades that players can find that create small explosions or you can even use a terraforming gun that destroys the landscape to make players fall or ruin an escape. Add to this the fact that there are several planets to play on with each bringing different hazards and areas to maneuver on and Nova Nukers! gives players some means of getting better as they play. What’s also neat is that in games with more than 2 players, down players can assist—or annoy—enemies with lasers that are shot from the sky into their area of choice. As you continue to play Nova Nukers!, you’ll gain even more to unlock and that gives Nova Nukers! a bit of replay value. However, this is where Nova Nukers! also begins to show its numerous issues.
As a game, Nova Nukers! lacks a lot of content. As we mentioned, there is no story mode and there aren’t any gameplay variants. This means if you begin to grow tired of Nova Nukers!’s fun but repetitive gameplay, you won’t have any way of escaping this. To make matters worse, if you fail to find opponents to play with or don’t have any friends willing to hop on Nova Nukers!, you’ll be left with the AI, which can be quite simple to defeat on even harder difficulties. Nova Nukers! is literally one mode online or local and that is all you’re getting. This wouldn’t be such an issue if Nova Nukers! was maybe $9.99 or cheaper, but instead, Nova Nukers! is nearly $20. Maybe in the future, this can be remedied by developer Lemonbomb Entertainment’s adding some free content but as it is, Nova Nukers! doesn’t offer enough to warrant the price tag.
We also wish to mention that as of this review, Nova Nukers! online community is non-existent which doesn’t help. For the purposes of testing the online capabilities, we needed to rely on a friend to test the online elements. We even hit quick match at the same time and found each other within seconds. Nova Nukers! needs more online players as it is right now, it’s basically a ghost town. Seriously, make sure to get some friends to buy Nova Nukers! with you so you’ll have real opponents rather than bots to verse as it does make Nova Nukers! more enjoyable overall.
Finally, let us talk about the graphics and sound for Nova Nukers! We actually, really enjoyed Nova Nukers!’s vibrant colors and unique designs. Each character looks different and even the various landscapes follow in that theme. The music works well to make fun and chaotic battles more intense too. Nova Nukers! feels like it could be a cartoon series and that is perfect for its E rating. We would have loved a narrator or maybe some clever lines from the various characters but it’s not a detriment and Nova Nukers! works for what it offers visually and audibly.
Honey's Gameplay Consensus:

Honey's Pros:
- Unique multiplayer gameplay
- Vibrant colors and art that adhere to all ages
- Solid music
- Several planets to play on with slightly different environments to do battle on
- Multitude of unlocks in the forms of weapons to use and skins for your characters
Honey's Cons:
- Gets repetitive quite fast without real people to play against
- Is a bit too expensive for what it offers
- Only one gameplay mode to enjoy
- Online is a ghost town sadly
Honey's Final Verdict: