What You Need to Know:
- Today it was announced on hachima kikou, that one of the hottest series around is coming to an end!
- Ansatsu Kyoushitsu only has five chapters left in the series before it will end. Not only that, the series will be ending as of the end of March! That only leaves us a few more weeks till it's finished.
- The last few chapters will be all published in Shounen Jump. According to the article as well, both the anime and the movie are heading in the same direction towards a completion. The second season of Ansatsu Kyoushitsu is currently airing and the movie will be released later this year.

Reactions Around the Web
Now that Ansatsu Kyoushitsu is ending, I have no reason to keep buying Shounen Jump.
/sighs I knew this day would be coming...
If this is where it will truly end, then it's at a good point.
This is ending but One Piece is still going?!? WHY
If it really is ending now, then that means it really wasn't that popular...

Right in the middle of the season they announce this?!? WHY??

Nagisa is my favorite character... what is going on?
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