What You Need to Know:
- The official website for the upcoming Fall 2015 anime, One Punch Man, revealed a new PV this weekend!
- In the video we can discover many new characters with their cast (see below).
- The premiere date has also been revealed! The anime will start on TV Tokyo and Niconico Live on October 5th, at 1:05am.
- The video previews the opening theme song, The Hero!! ~Ikareru Ken ni Honou o Tsukeru~, performed by JAM Project, and announced that the ending theme song, Hoshi Yori Saki ni Mitsukete Ageru, will be performed by Hiroko Moriguchi.
- Also, on Sunday, an advance screening of the first episode was held, in Saitama. The episode received great reviews from the public attending the event.
Characters & Cast
Makoto Furukawa as Saitama (Hero for Fun)

Kaito Ishikawa as Genos (Lone Cyborg)

Aoi Yuuki as Terrible Tornado (Class S Rank 2 Hero)

Kazuhiro Yamaji as Silverfang (Class S Rank 3 Hero)

Kenjiro Tsuda as Atomic Samurai (Class S Rank 4 Hero)

Minami Takayama as Child Emperor (Class S Rank 5 Hero)

Hiroki Yasumoto as King (Class S Rank 6 Hero)

Tesshou Genda as Metal Knight (Class S Rank 7 Hero)

Takahiro Sakurai as Zombieman (Class S Rank 8 Hero)

Youji Ueda as Drive Knight (Class S Rank 9 Hero)

Daisuke Namikawa as Pig God (Class S Rank 10 Hero)

Satoshi Hino as Superalloy Blackluster (Class S Rank 11 Hero)

Yuji Ueda as Watchdog Man (Class S Rank 12 Hero)

Kousuke Toriumi as Flashy Flash (Class S Rank 13 Hero)

Katsuyuki Konishi as Tank-top Master (Class S Rank 14 Hero)

Wataru Hatano as Metal Bat (Class S Rank 15 Hero)

Masaya Onosaka as Puri-puri Prisoner (Class S Rank 16 Hero)

Mamoru Miyano as Ikemen Kamen Amai Mask/Handsome Kamen Amai Mask (Class A Rank 1 Hero)

Saori Hayami as Hellish Blizzard (Class B Rank 1 Hero)

Yuichi Nakamura as License-less Hero/License-less Rider (Class C Rank 1 Hero)

Yuuki Kaji as Speed-o'-Sound Sonic (Self-proclaimed Strongest Ninja)

Source: OnePunchMan-Anime

The more I discover this anime, the more I'm getting excited! It just looks way too awesome!!

I. Want. It. Now!!!!
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