Otaku’s Adventure Reminds Us Why Being Otaku Can Be Challenging and Never Boring!

Otaku-1 Otaku’s Adventure Reminds Us Why Being Otaku Can Be Challenging and Never Boring!

In our long gaming careers here at Honey’s Anime we have played through some rather odd and unique point-and-click titles. As of recent, we’ve even seen visual novels (VN for short) try to adapt to growing gaming trends and offer innovative new gameplay mechanics like quick-time events. Otaku’s Adventure from developer Spacelight Studio is like an amalgamation of genres and really does things differently. Is this the new great point-and-click title or does it try to be too much and doesn’t do enough in any one category? Let’s fund out in our review of Otaku’s Adventure for mobile devices. Also, please note Otaku’s Adventure is available on PC too!

Shooter, RPG, Visual Novel, point-and-click…ALL OF THEM ARE HERE!?

Otaku-1 Otaku’s Adventure Reminds Us Why Being Otaku Can Be Challenging and Never Boring!

At its core, Otaku’s Adventure is a point-and-click with VN/dating sim elements. However, these are just the base gameplay mechanics within Otaku’s Adventure. Folks, this little title literally has numerous gameplay styles within it and that was literally a surprise we didn’t see coming.

Playing as an otaku, your journey starts off simple enough, shave, go to the bathroom—which has a mini-game to it—and find your broken “Gundam” model’s head. These are the starting moments of Otaku’s Adventure that make you realize Spacelight Studio understands the daily struggle of an otaku. After that, you’re thrown into various situations which lead you to varying paths and possible female “love” interests. That sounds simple…but we just scratched the surface.

Every path you take in Otaku’s Adventure plays out differently depending on the heroine you end up chasing. Going after one girl might lead you to save them via an FPS-like shooting mini-game or maybe you might end up in an RPG battle to keep you and your party alive. There’s even Pong in Otaku’s Adventure! Seriously, we don’t want to spoil the numerous mini-games you’ll find yourself undertaking but each one is fun, sometimes overly simple and yet, still a fun means to keep from getting bored of too much point-and-click…which might be the weaker part of Otaku’s Adventure but more on that later.

These Waifu Aren’t Normal…THANK YOU

Otaku-1 Otaku’s Adventure Reminds Us Why Being Otaku Can Be Challenging and Never Boring!

Otaku all desire waifu that are the pinnacle of our wants and needs. We want big-chested babes who will be tough but fair and/or be loving and want only our joy! The waifu—which is the name of one of the girls in Otaku’s Adventure—are anything but normal as they range from psychotic to downright moody. One girl reminds us of the gamer version of Revy from Black Lagoon as she smokes and throws around insults like she’s paid to do so! This might turn off some otaku but for us, this is why Otaku’s Adventure is special.

Most of the “lovely” ladies in Otaku’s Adventure remove the usual tropes and clichés of anime girls and feels kind of realistic. Yes, their purposes might be more akin to what you see in a movie protagonist but these girls are endearing in their honest behavior and we actually liked most of them. Yes, even the flat-chested Revy-like girl. She was really cool.

Is Our Otaku Handsome…Meh

Otaku-1 Otaku’s Adventure Reminds Us Why Being Otaku Can Be Challenging and Never Boring!

Otaku’s Adventure has two elements that aren’t bad but aren’t as strong as the great characters and fun mini-games. Visually, Otaku’s Adventure is a bit of a hit-and-miss. Character models—aside from the MC—look okay but certainly won’t appeal to everyone. The same can be said of the environments and such which don’t look all that appealing. Is Otaku’s Adventure a bad-looking game? No, not at all but don’t expect anything groundbreaking. We do still like the hand-drawn comic/manga designs though.

Mini-Games > Main Gameplay

Otaku-1 Otaku’s Adventure Reminds Us Why Being Otaku Can Be Challenging and Never Boring!

We noted earlier that the main gameplay format of Otaku’s Adventure is a point-and-click. You interact with environmental pieces to solve puzzles and/or advance the story. Often, this is what you primarily do in most areas of Otaku’s Adventure and it can be…boring. Yes, we laughed when we fixed a “Gundam” head and giggled as we used a secret agent’s dirty socks as a grenade but we also got annoyed when we had to combine strange objects to make items and cursed spending time trying to find a single item. The mini-games in Otaku’s Adventure are REALLY simple but they kept us always engaged versus the main gameplay which is dated. Again, the point-and-click mechanic is definitely not bad but we felt it wasn’t as engaging as the mini-games and other elements found within.

Final Thoughts

Otaku-1 Otaku’s Adventure Reminds Us Why Being Otaku Can Be Challenging and Never Boring!

Otaku’s Adventure is one of the wildest point-and-click games we’ve played in quite a while. There are dating sim elements, RPG moments, shooting sections and a bunch of other mini-games to be enjoyed and that’s what made playing this small game so enjoyable! Was Otaku’s Adventure perfect, to be honest, no but if Spacelight Studio made a sequel—which we hope they do—we’d presume they would polish up their sequel and remind us that no genre can’t be given new life by newer developers!

Are you going to download Otaku’s Adventure? Let us know in the comments below! Be sure to keep stuck to our otaku hive here at Honey’s Anime for even more game reviews and other anime goodness!

Otaku-1 Otaku’s Adventure Reminds Us Why Being Otaku Can Be Challenging and Never Boring!


Author: Aaron

Hey everyone I’m Aaron Curbelo or Blade as I’m called by my YouTube Subscribers. I’ve been an anime/manga fan since I was a young kid. In terms of anime I have watched nearly a thousand shows and have read hundreds of manga series. I love writing and honestly was so happy to join Honey’s Anime to get a shot to write articles for such a wonderful site. I’m a firm believer in respect in the anime community being the most important embodiment we should all have. We all love anime and we have varying opinions of series but we should respect one another for those differences! Life is too precious to spend it making needless arguments in a community that should be the shining example of loving an amazing medium. I hope as a writer for Honey’s Anime I can bring you folks some amazing articles to read and enjoy!

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