What You Need to Know:
- The anime adaption of web manga ReLIFE is set to be a popular one - especially as it's also getting a stage play, and printed volumes in French.
- Although the airing season is yet to be announced, the first two cast members have been revealed!
- Protagonist Arata Kaizaki will be played by Kensho Ono (Kuroko Tetsuya from Kuroko no Basket) and Chizuru Hishiro will be played by Ai Kayano (Meiko Honma from AnoHana).
- Read the comments from the two seiyuu below!
"I'm extremely pleased to be able to play the part of the main character, Arata Kaizaki. I'm looking forward to seeing how I can act out both the 27-year-old and the high school Kaizaki. I will work my hardest so that fans can enjoy something different in the anime adaptation of ReLIFE."
Kensho Ono
Kensho Ono
"I will try my best to portray Hishiro's sensitivity in the anime, so please cheer me on!"
Ai Kayano
Source: Official Website

Wow, what a cast! If I wasn't interested before I definitely am now!

This looks like it will be a huge hit! Now we just need a season...
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