Game Info:
- System: Nintendo Switch, PC
- Publisher: Nicalis
- Developer: Nicalis
- Release Date: October 30, 2018
- Price:$14.99
- Rating: E 10+ Everyone 10+
- Genre: Action, Adventure
- Players: 1
- Official Website: https://nicalis.com/games/savememrtako
Who it Caters to

What to Expect



Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San is a 2D side scrolling title where players take control of a little octopus named Tako. Players will need to navigate various locations with our aquatic hero as they shoot ink at enemies and us various other weapons to solve puzzles and take down bosses. In many ways, Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San feels akin to Kirby games with an emphasis on giving our unlikely hero weapons and powers via hats. Confused by what we mean by you literally wearing hats for powers? Don’t worry we were at first, too.
As we said, the brunt of Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San is simple gameplay that really isn’t anything too out of the ordinary for a retro-themed title. Avoid taking hits—as one hit will kill you unless you have special hats to avoid that—and solve simple puzzles with your weapons. At first you’re only able to use Tako’s ink attacks to freeze enemies in place—which is helpful for reaching high locations and or solving some puzzles—but as you play Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San, you’ll gain hats that change Tako’s powers. For example, one of the first hats you gain is a hat that allows you to take more than one hit before losing a life. Later you’ll gain a hat that allows Tako to fire arrows from a bow. There are several more hats you will find along your journey and each gives Tako a bit of special power to help increase his chances of saving the human and octopus world.
Now the one thing that makes Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San kind of tough is that, just like older games, death is quick and unrelenting in Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San. We’ve grown accustomed to this from Nicalis as their titles always induce a bit of rage, but Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San is no joke even with its easier format than say the Binding of Isaac. If you die, you lose your hat or hats—you can have up to two that can be swapped in between—and will need to trek back to the village to gain the hat back for free from the hat store. On top of the toughness of trying to avoid and defeat enemies without taking one hit, this extra issue can be a bit troublesome, especially in the later game. Plus, if you lose all 20x lives or die before hitting a checkpoint then you’re restarting the stage from the beginning. Old school gamers will love this challenge, but newcomers who like checkpoints every few seconds or need more forgiving gameplay will find Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San a bit tough.
Lastly, let us talk about Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San’s visuals and sound which are both nice but also a bit splitting in our minds. We like the retro sepia color concept to Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San—you can also change between three other rather weird color palettes—but feel it’s a bit strange for Nicalis to go this retro. Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San looks literally like a Game Boy game and while that will appeal to those who rocked one way back when—we know we did—others will be turned off. The sound also mirrors the Game Boy noises with chiptunes and various other old school sounds. Retro is the best way to describe Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San but even this might be a bit too retro.
Honey's Gameplay Consensus:

We just feel that Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San isn’t anything we haven’t seen before and while there are some interesting ideas here and there with the hats and ink abilities, Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San just feels like a good title and nothing more or less. Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San is a game we recommend if you love retro titles and need a tough title for on the go.
Honey's Pros:
- Simple side scrolling adventure gameplay with a challenge
- Hat system allows for a Kirby-like feel to Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San
- Retro visuals for that old Game Boy feel
- Silly story with a unique twist on the heroes versus monsters trope
Honey's Cons:
- Visuals look extremely old and that might not appeal to all
- Doesn’t really do much we haven’t seen from a side scrolling adventure game
- Color palettes are strange
- Losing a hat and having to go back to the village for it gets old fast
Honey's Final Verdict: