Hello Everyone,
Us Editor's at Honey's Anime love everything there is about anime. From the wild adventures presented before us in some spectacular representations, to the realistic interpretations of everyday situations in life and the universe. Anime is life, and anime is good!
We at Honey's Anime have a single mentality of knowing what we like. For the most part, we like the same series, genres, and themes that are in anime itself, but what we don't like is the fact we don't have the power to see the future (Wouldn't that be nice). What we can do is predict when a series is going to make it big amongst the anime community.
Therefore, we want to let everyone know which anime series, in Spring 2015, we think are going to be the next big thing. We have compiled a list of 10 series, all new, which are getting their debuts for the first time as an adaptation in anime. Some of the series that are making their first appearance in anime are from light novels, manga, and just good ole original creations.
So, let's get down to business!
Hibike! Euphonium (Sound! Euphonium)

- Episodes: Unknown
- Aired: Apr. 8th, 2015
If you love music anime with a school theme, then you might love this next anime series which is an adaptation of the manga series, Hibike! Euphonium!. We're choosing this beautiful looking anime because we think it has the potential to shine, much like K-ON!, Nodame Cantabile, and Shingatsu wa Kimi no Uso.
Hibike! Euphonium seems like it will have a new take on life for anyone in the brass band, which just so happens to be a popular school club for students in Japan. Other than dance and sports clubs.

Editor: Y Pick!
Triage X

- Episodes: 10
- Aired: Apr. 9th, 2015
Triage X is another anime we think is going to be popular amongst the anime community. First, it's an ecchi anime. Secondly, it looks freaking awesome from the trailer, and seems to be filled with a lot of action while taking the viewers to a whole new world of assassinations and revenge.
This anime caught our eyes, and we can't wait to see how it turns out. The funny thing about Triage X, are the nurses. They're assassins who take care of the sick during the day, and then take care of the sick during the night.....we mean killing. Lol. Assassin galore. Plus it has tons of fan service, which is alway pleasant. (^_^)

Fonzy, Editor: L Pick!
Ninja Slayer From Animation

- Episodes: Unknown
- Aired: Apr. 16th, 2015
This particular anime is guaranteed to have viewers on the edge of their seat. When we first saw the PV trailer for Ninja Slayer From Animation back in the Fall of 2014, we were stunned. When this airs, we're not sure if it's only going to air on the internet as it is marked as an ONA (Original Net Animation).
If it is only on the internet, then I really don't see it being a problem for anyone to enjoy. Unless, you're one those folks who has to watch it on an big, flatscreen TV at 1080p, with surround sound. Other than that, you're good.

Fonzy, Editor: L Pick!
Punch Line

- Episodes: Unknown
- Aired: Apr. 10th, 2015
Punch Line is an anime that has had our attention ever since we attended AnimeJapan 2015 this past weekend. There was a lot of advertisement for the series at the convention, and the pictures they had up were clearly showcasing the comedy, slice of life part of the anime, with a little bit of both ecchi and harem in it.
It sucked us right in. The trailer for the series was pretty great and only has us waiting eagerly for the debut of the series. I already have a favorite character from the show, and I haven't even seen it yet. It's the NEET. (love)

Editor: L, Editor: Y Pick!
Gunslinger Stratos: The Animation

- Episodes: Unknown
- Aired: Apr. 4th, 2015
Gunslinger Stratos: The Animation had a pretty sweet setup at AnimeJapan, with a both babe and a demo for the game. Due to the popularity of the game, an adaptation for an anime series has been developed.
Judging by the demo of the game and the summary for the series, along with the trailer, it looks like it will be very popular in are eyes. Plus, anything coming from Square Enix, is sure to be great.
Are you ready for the new Final Fantasy game?! We are! (drool)

Editor: L Pick!
Shokugeki no Souma (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma)

- Episodes: Unknown
- Aired: Apr. 4th, 2015
Food Wars is an anime that you don't see very often. There probably aren't many anime series about that you could say is great or memorable, off the top of our heads we can only think of Yumeiro Patissiere and Yakitate !! Japan. Those were great series, and we think Food Wars has even greater potential.
There more to relate when a person has a dream and it all falls apart at some point, but something comes along that forces you to try again. That's what we can get out of this series, and theres a new take on cooking and comedy in it as well, with some harem. Hehe!

Fonzy, Editor: Y Pick!
Kekkai Sensen (Blood Blockade Battlefront or Bloodline Battlefront)

- Episodes: Unknown
- Aired: Apr. 5th, 2015
For this anime series, I don't know what to say, other than epic! The art looks amazing, characters are well developed, storyline seems solid, and the action scenes in the trailer look awesome. This is definitely a series that all of us here at Honey's Anime agreed on.
We are some eager beavers right now, and we can't wait till the series premiers, which is right around the corner. We especially think Blood Blockade Battlefront will probably be the next big show in anime, guaranteed. If this doesn't excite you, then we don't know what does.

Fonzy, Editor: L, Editor: Y Pick!
Arslan Senki (The Heroic Legend of Arslan)

- Episodes: Unknown
- Aired: Apr. 5th, 2015
The Heroic Legend of Arslan is another new anime series from the adaptation of the light novel, and looks promising for those who love fantasy, supernatural, historical, and action anime. This anime seems very interesting and kind of reminds me of Berserk as far as the theme and the setting for the series.
Although it may not be the same, it has those certain elements. The heroic Legend of Arslan seems to have a different interpretation in the story compared to other anime. The story seems more real and accurate as far as history is perceived. It looks great, and we think it will be.

Fonzy Pick!
Plastic Memories (Plamemo)

- Episodes: Unknown
- Aired: Apr. 5th, 2015
Plastic Memories looks like the kind of anime that will hit the soft part of your body for all the right reasons. We're talking about your heart! This series has the feeling of greatness in the anime community, while presenting us viewers with a great sci-fi love story that will make us tear up in joy.
Judging by the summary, it sounds like it has that Pinocchio life story, crossed with the Bicentennial Man with Robin Williams. R.I.P. If you you've seen Bicentennial Man, you know what we're talking about. Heck, A.I. is also another good comparison to Plastic Memories.
It's just filled with lots of feels.

Fonzy, Editor: L, Editor: Y Pick!
Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End)

- Episodes: Unknown
- Aired: Apr. 4th, 2015
Owari no Seraph is another anime we think is going to be great. Not because it's a boy love kind of anime, but because it's filled with tons of vampire action and drama with some boy love in it. This is for your sweet girls out there who are looking for something that meets your needs, instead of all the harem and ecchi anime series releasing in the next couple of weeks.
Aside from that, the trailer shows a really nicely well done animation with exciting action scenes and wonderful visual to go with it. Owari no Seraph also has a very dark, futuristic look which makes it harder for you to say good bye when you favorite character is killed off.
The series is already schedule for a second season in October as well. That show's you the confidence the creators have for the series, and so do we!

Editor: Y Pick!
Well, there you have it folks! These are our choices for Spring 2015 anime series that will make it big. Granted, they all probably won't be the best but at least we know a good amount of them will be. We'll just have to wait and see in the next couple of weeks. It would be nice if all of them ended up being popular. If they are, then you heard it here first, at Honey's Anime.
Which anime series for Spring 2015 do you think will take off? Share your choices and let's see who gets it right!