What You Need to Know:
- Spring anime Haifuri was one of those anime that really kept everything under wraps until it actually aired. Rather, the OP was the first clue that everyone should have seen coming.
- We reported that Japanese twitter was losing it over the OP lyrics about two weeks ago
- Now the full name of the anime has been revealed and everyone is once again having a meltdown. This time though, in a good way. In the vein of Strike Witches, Girls und Panzer, and Kancolle, Haifuri is going to be a girls military-esque anime. The title gives it away! Haifuri is just a shortened version of "High School Fleet." These girls are going to show us a lot over the season so stay tuned!
Source: animeanime

Girls und Panzer & Strike Witches were my favorites so this is great news! Let me just add this now to my watch list!

What a shocker! I'll need to watch this one now!
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