Suicide Squad is Coming!? Oh, There's Anime Similar to It?

Suicide-Squad Suicide Squad is Coming!? Oh, There's Anime Similar to It?
Source: Wikimedia

You bet your sweet axx Suicide Squad is coming, and it’s looking promising. If you haven’t heard of it yet, Suicide Squad is about some criminals from the DC Universe, or DCU for short, which are contracted by the government for high risk missions eliminating other bad guys. Finally, a movie where it’s impossible for the good guy to win and the bad guy gets to show their true colors without fail (who cares if there’s not one, am I right?).

The only issues most fans are having are that Jared Leto has been picked to play Joker, and Will Smith is set to play Deadshot. The only issue with Smith playing Deadshot is in the comics, he has a son; this may or may not allow a cameo of our favorite new star (with a hint of sarcasm), Jaden Smith. Also set to star in the up and coming bad guys gone good DC movie are Cara Delevingne as Enchantress, Jai Courtney as Boomerang, Tom Hardy as Rick Flag and our favorite femme fatale of Harley Quinn to be played by the completely gorgeous Margot Robbie. For a detailed list of all actors and actresses set to play with updates feel free to check out the Suicide Squad IMDB page listed here.

Main Casts

Suicide-Squad Suicide Squad is Coming!? Oh, There's Anime Similar to It?
Jared Leto to play Joker
Source: Wikimedia

Suicide-Squad Suicide Squad is Coming!? Oh, There's Anime Similar to It?
Will Smith to play Deadshot
Source: Wikimedia

Psycho Pass!? What is it?

What I bet you didn’t know is there’s an anime already out (and on a glorious second season) that not only resembles the comics, it upgrades them.

Suicide-Squad Suicide Squad is Coming!? Oh, There's Anime Similar to It?

That’s right, Psycho Pass. While Suicide Squad is set in the DCU, Psycho Pass is set in a dystopian future stronghold. The city is run by what is known as the Sibyl System, and crime is kept at an all-time low through the use of the cities denizens “Psycho Pass.”

What Suicide Squad and Psycho Pass have in common is simple; they both use criminals to catch or kill other criminals. That’s right, Psycho Pass uses what they call “Latent Criminals,” or to put it regularly, people that have not yet committed any crime but may in the future (they threw due process out the window for this one!).

With the Joker being in this, I bet you’re wondering how he can relate in Psycho Pass, right? Question no further because the answer is simple, Jouji Saiga. This man relates eerily close to the Joker in a few ways, namely their ability to corrupt those around them. In Psycho Pass Saiga is a professor, and not just your run of the mill criminology professor either. He has the ability to get inside the minds of criminals to figure out their next move. The problem with this is by doing so, and by teaching his methods, he corrupted those around him and were all labeled as latent criminals. All I know is Leto better live up to expectations after the late Heath Ledger’s performance from Batman: The Dark Knight or the fan base may go crazy!

Suicide-Squad Suicide Squad is Coming!? Oh, There's Anime Similar to It?
Jouji Saiga
Source: MyAnimeList

Suicide-Squad Suicide Squad is Coming!? Oh, There's Anime Similar to It?
Akane Tsunemori
Source: MyAnimeList

Suicide-Squad Suicide Squad is Coming!? Oh, There's Anime Similar to It?
Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn
Source: Wikimedia

Now you want to ask, “But what about Harley Quinn,” the main character, Akane Tsunemori easily. She’s a sweetheart and completely naïve in the beginning, with no clue how the world of being a detective really is until her lessons from Saiga. In relation, Harley Quinn was a doctor until her run in with the Joker as his Arkham Asylum psychiatrist, where she falls in love with him. The only difference between the two being that Akane’s Psycho Pass never gets clouded, whereas Quinn just falls in love (is a creepy completely dependent upon way). Hopefully Robbie can deliver the complete psychosis that is, Harley Quinn.

All in all if you’re looking for something to tide you over for the close to two year release of Suicide Squad, you’ll definitely want to take a look at this thrilling, gorgeously detailed anime. The characters come alive as you sit back and enjoy the bloody show. Stick it out through the end for a fantastic twist that’s sure to leave you wondering what happens next, and then pick up the second season!

Psycho Pass Official Trailer

by Nathaniel Loomis