Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World wrapped up December 2020 but that doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten about this Romeo and Juliet styled magical anime. In particular, one character has stuck with us more than most anime of this season and that would be Aliceliese Lou Nebulis IX or simply named Alice. While Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World had a few cute girls—such as Iska’s captain Mismis with her tiny frame and large oppai—Alice stole the show. If you need to know more reasons why Alice was one of our favorite anime girls of 2020 then continue below to read some of her highlights!
A Princess That Doesn’t Act Like One

Alice is quickly established in the series as a princess who is next to take the throne of Nebulis which could make you think she would be prim and proper. While Alice does show some signs of caring about her status, more often than not she acts childish and like a love-struck teenager.
Alice quickly falls in love with her enemy Iska and from episode 1 to the finale of 12, this swordsman occupies most of her waking thoughts. Alice has gone as far as to seek a fortuneteller to see if her destiny was to cross paths with Iska. Alice is a princess by title but let’s face it, she really doesn’t do much to strut her princess stature.
That Gorgeous Design

We don’t doubt for a second that most viewers of Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World almost instantly fell in love with Alice thanks to her beautiful design. Alice is what every guy wants, luscious curves, beautiful long blond hair, and piercing red eyes. You could argue that Alice is a witch not due to her abilities but due to her enchanting body. Oh, Alice, we pray we get a second season of Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World so we can fall more in love with your character.
Indeed an Ice Witch

Yes, Alice is attractive and that can be said all day long, but in the world of anime, we otaku need a bit more substance. Outside of her looks, Alice is one of the toughest girls of Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World and that can be seen in any of her numerous fights. However, one of our favorite fights is what proves this ice witch isn’t to be trifled with!
In episode 9, Iska and Rin have found themselves facing a powerful opponent named Salinger. Despite Iska’s strength, he’s quickly learning Salinger was locked away for a reason and his power is intense. Alice comes in to assist Iska/Rin—saving Rin’s life from a deadly attack—allowing Iska to take down Salinger despite him escaping. Alice might not have the same level of strength as Iska or Salinger, but she was able to hold her own against the demon warrior, and we couldn’t help but stare in awe.
Alice Has a Believable Goal
Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World is seen as a new-age Romeo and Juliet not just because of the romance element but because the world is truly quite similar. Alice and Iska belong to opposing sides—the Empire and Nebulis—which is why they can’t just hook up like they clearly want to do. Most of Alice’s family members and fellow Nebulis citizens hate the Empire due to their past issues but Alice isn’t the same way.
When Alice and Iska beat down the elder witch she proposes to Iska to join her side to stop the Empire and create a new world. Iska rejects her—how he does this we don’t know because we personally wouldn’t—but it shows that Alice isn’t so jaded and can see both sides working together for a common goal. Alice admits her desire to change the world isn’t the same as Iska but that doesn’t mean their ideals are all that radically different.
Final Thoughts

Alice wins our hearts by being a female protagonist we both love for her looks but also her personality. Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World would be a weaker series without her and we doubt many would even watch the anime if Alice wasn’t in it.
We loved Alice but we want to now hear from you otaku out there. Was Alice one of your favorite girls of 2020 or did she fail to impress? Comment below to let us know! Even more character highlights await if you keep stuck to our amazing hive here at Honey’s Anime!
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