The Horrifying Children's Anime that Aired on Morning NHK

horror-children-anime The Horrifying Children's Anime that Aired on Morning NHK

What You Need to Know:

  • The horror quality of kids shows these days are something on a completely different level! A children's anime that aired on NHK this month showed a scene of a cute angel transforming into a horrifying devil, something that may remind you of Madoka Magica.
  • See the transformation below!


horror-children-anime The Horrifying Children's Anime that Aired on Morning NHKhorror-children-anime The Horrifying Children's Anime that Aired on Morning NHK

Source: Buzz-Net

Reactions Around the Web

Did Shaft make this?
The devil's design is clearly not something you should show kids...
This would make even adults pee their pants
My children were traumatized by this. Why on Earth are you airing this in the morning, NHK!!!!

horror-children-anime The Horrifying Children's Anime that Aired on Morning NHK
I think this would have left a deep scar on children all over Japan.
horror-children-anime The Horrifying Children's Anime that Aired on Morning NHK
I did not expect that...

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