Capricorns—in the real world or anime world—are some of the coolest individuals for their radically honest and empowering personalities. Capricorns also ten...
ReadmoreRomance during the summer is quite infamous for being a short-lived experience. Despite how hot and heavy a relationship can get, once the summer season...
ReadmoreHarem is a subgenre of light novels, manga, and anime involving polygynous/polyandrous relationships. A polygynous/polyandrous relationship is a relations...
ReadmoreAs a genre, ecchi is sometimes overlooked as not being serious enough for enjoyment outside of the obvious but, while that may be true for certain series,...
ReadmoreRomances come in all shapes in sizes. There are fantasy romances, romances geared towards boys, romances meants for girls, and even horror romances. This ti...
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