Fantasy Vs. Reality Ever since anime and dramas have been broadcasted, a good number have touched upon school life in a romanticized manner. Studen...
ReadmoreIntro Koe no Katachi first started out as a one-shot and was later developed into a full manga that ends conclusively. The Koe no Katachi manga was lat...
ReadmoreWelcome to Nintendo, a company that has seen many eras of gaming whisk by and still continues to impress the world with their creative prowess. Starting...
ReadmoreWhen you consume copious amounts of a certain medium, you gain the opportunity to have much insight on the inner workings of said medium, and you also n...
Readmorehttps://twitter.com/kooo_gi/status/822066542649016322 Warning: This article is full of sensitive content unsuitable for young ages. If you are a minor or suffe...
Readmorehttps://twitter.com/galko_official/status/698536602960732160 Ah, it is that time of year again where couple culture seems to soar through the roof and single p...
ReadmoreVideo games have really come a long way since their inception in the 1950s going from simple games and simulations to the arcade games that we can compe...
ReadmoreIf you have been into anime for long enough, you will find yourself wondering quite a few things. Why do characters have nosebleeds when they’re aroused...
ReadmoreWhat are honorifics? Commonly known also as suffixes for names, honorifics are an integral part of the Japanese language to provide some context to a se...
Readmorehttps://twitter.com/LWA_jp/status/823098221048119296 The Age of Crowdfunding Whether it would be making a product or starting your own business, it is going ...
ReadmoreOne of the good things about anime is its ability to reflect the current cultural landscape of the world and, more specifically, Japan. Whether it's the...
ReadmoreWhen putting out a new game in a series as long-running as Pokémon, it can be difficult to determine which mechanics have remained for as long as they have because they’re actually tha...
ReadmoreIntroduction It doesn’t matter if you are a recent otaku or a veteran. The idea of visiting Japan has surely crossed your mind. No money? No problem, y...
ReadmoreLive action revivals of animated classics are becoming quite the trend lately. With the upcoming release of Fullmetal Alchemist, and the recent relea...
ReadmoreFor the past twenty years in the United States, political correctness, despite its good intentions, has been a source of growing controversy. More than a reasonable number of people cannot...
ReadmoreIntroduction The weather is getting chilly and the stores have put on shiny decorations. There are pine tree branches, red ribbons, and carols everywhe...
ReadmoreAnime contains numerous unique genres you do not see in other forms of animation in a majority of other countries. Within anime, it has a diverse select...
ReadmoreYou know the drill. We all know the drill. Every season tons of new shows come out, (Fall 2016 had somewhere around 80). Some are great, some are bad, s...
ReadmoreThere have been many female leads throughout the history of anime. They are primarily featured in romance anime, though they have been known to appear in ...
ReadmoreIf the first thing you think about when you hear the word “science” is a blackboard full of complicated formulas and equations, you have to read this ar...
ReadmoreIntroduction The scene takes place at night, where the main character is about to go to sleep. As they leave their family to go to the room, they pause to say one last word for the ...
ReadmoreIntroduction When you think of some of anime’s most popular series and films, you easily find a spattering of supernatural and science fiction anime...
ReadmoreYou are watching anime one day and a word scrolls across the bottom of your screen that you do not recognize. Let’s say the word in Japanese is “dono”. There are no notes nearby, so ...
ReadmoreIntroduction Sometimes, we as otakus can not help but look back to that (hopefully) distant day when we started watching anime. The journey has been lo...
ReadmoreIntroduction Before we start with the “treatment”, we should warn everyone here that this article includes sensitive content that is not suitable for a...
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