![honey-detective This Week's Hot Moments in Anime [06/25/2019]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/honey-detective.jpg)
![honey-detective This Week's Hot Moments in Anime [06/25/2019]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/bee-wink.jpg)
![honey-detective This Week's Hot Moments in Anime [06/25/2019]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/bombon-surprised2.jpg)
![honey-detective This Week's Hot Moments in Anime [06/25/2019]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/mo-rage.jpg)
Contains Spoilers
Carole Without Tuesday Without Cybelle
There were 2 powerful moments in the latest episode of Carole & Tuesday, and both had to do with a girl fearing of losing Tuesday. In the first scene, Cybelle cowardly attacked our blonde singer so she couldn't perform, not only sabotaging the semifinals and the duo's career but also playing the 'If I can't have you, no one will' card. Then, the closing scene is all about Carole chasing the car in which Tuesday was taken, escaping against her will with two men that her mother sent after her. As you can see, the anime that once was about music and fame is now about how far you can go when someone moves you away from the person you love; ironically, the main premise is still there: it's all about the loneliest girls in the world (plus Cybelle), fighting against their fate.
Maybe the song they performed ("Lost My Way") is not the best they have and still needs more rehearsal, but this time it wasn't about them singing. Sure, we saw how this anime turned into some kind of reality show full of weird-yet-talented singers, but then again, this episode was not about Carole & Tuesday beating Pyotr to reach the finals against Angela. In fact, it was too predictable that they would win! But now the question is: will Tuesday be able to reunite with her friend just in time for the finals?
![honey-detective This Week's Hot Moments in Anime [06/25/2019]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/bee-unacceptable.jpg)
Turbulence at Sea
After the discovery of the incoming wave, Naofumi jumped right into action like he always does. Quickly warning the queen about the wave, Mira Cal was evacuated and the heroes were given ships so they could fight on the seas. With L’arc on their side, the wave seemed to be an easy win even after the giant whale/narwhal appeared. However, L’arc stuns the heroes after he reveals himself to be a hero from another world and is aiming to take down Naofumi! Naofumi and his party quickly ready up for a long fight where L’arc seems to have the advantage initially but is pushed back due to some nice combos from our Shield Hero’s party. It all goes downhill though when an old enemy returns in the form of Glass who apparently is with L’arc and his female friend. Its three heroes versus Naofumi and his party and with next week’s episode being titled Rising of the Shield Hero--the translated name of the series--we might be approaching a possible series/season finale! All we wonder though is can episode 25 top the amazing episode 24?!
![honey-detective This Week's Hot Moments in Anime [06/25/2019]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/bee-cry3.jpg)
Three of a Kind
Tanjirou, Zenitsu and the other kids still find themselves trapped in the same shifting house with several other demons. Zenitsu moves around the place in a panic, falling asleep in the middle of a fight - only to show off his true skill while he is unconscious and unaware! The mysterious boar-headed person slays his own demon as he continues to charge through the place. At the same time, Tanjirou manages to find a survivor in the maze of rooms, and sets out to face the tsuzumi-wielding demon, despite the pain he is in from his previous wounds.
Though Zenitsu was starting to get on my nerves for a while there, he was actually pretty impressive this episode! It will be interesting to see how his character grows over the course of the series, and hopefully he won’t be obnoxiously loud forever. Tanjirou was amazing as always, pushing through broken bones to learn his enemy’s strategy once again! I am also excited to have both Zenitsu and the boar kid show up in these episodes, since the two of them and Tanjirou could be a great team. Sure, they are all strong separately, but I have been waiting eagerly--from the first time I saw the opening scenes in fact--for Tanjirou to team up with other Demon Slayers. I am so glad we will be getting more of Kimetsu no Yaiba this summer!
![honey-detective This Week's Hot Moments in Anime [06/25/2019]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/bombon-happy2.jpg)
It Was Too Sudden...
After a short break to explore the hilarious results of Silver Chariot Requiem’s body-switching attack, it’s time to get back down to business. The gang carefully inspects Bucciarati’s body from afar, trying to determine if the boss’ soul is hiding inside. But before they even realize it, Diavolo begins his assault on their team by silently and cruelly assassinating Narancia with King Crimson. Bucciarati asks Narancia if his radar senses anything, and when he doesn’t get a response, he looks up to see his companion (in Giorno’s body) impaled on an iron railing above them and bleeding out onto the cobblestones.
This moment was shocking in the manga as well, but the anime’s presentation makes it even more poignant. The music, animation, and especially the voice actors’ grief-stricken performances struck me right in the heart –Giorno’s stoic façade cracking as he cries for the first and only time in the story nearly brought tears to my own eyes as well. Even with the healing power of Gold Experience, Narancia’s death was so sudden that the body was already an empty shell by the time Giorno got to it. And to twist the knife even further, David Productions adds an anime-original scene where the shadow of a bird flies past both Abbacchio’s grave and Fugo walking down the street alone. No JoJo death is ever easy, but the fact that a kid as full of potential as Narancia was just senselessly murdered out of nowhere makes this one hit even harder.
![honey-detective This Week's Hot Moments in Anime [06/25/2019]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/bee-cry2.jpg)
When Nanako Met Eiji
While hanging out on the roof of the school, Nanako remissness about the time she met Eiji. After giving up the life of a delinquent, Eiji heads to a class in order to work on his senryuu. There he meets Nanako and tells her about his love for senryuu and how he doesn't mind if the only way she can speak is through senryuu. Although he had a great time, Eiji decides not to return to the class in order to not scare the regular attendees, but he does start unknowingly communicating with Nanko through senryuu left in front of the class. After months of leaving messages to each other, Nanako and Eiji meet in front of a cherry blossom tree, where Nanako reveals Eiji had been talking to her all this time.
What better way to wrap up Nanako and Eiji's story than showing us where it all began, and explaining why it is that Nanako has such an infatuation with Eiji. Although there was nothing special about the episode and there was not even a little romantic development between Nanako and Eiji I loved every second of this episode. We had received a few mentions of why Nanako had fallen in love with Eiji, so it was to finally get to see it all revealed to us. I do wish we would have learned a bit more about why Nanako was sad and alone before she met Eiji, but overall, I couldn't have asked for a better finale.
![honey-detective This Week's Hot Moments in Anime [06/25/2019]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/honey-cry1.jpg)
That's all for this week, please check back next week and tell us what you're watching!