“Too many anime, not enough time”. We commonly hear this sentence in the anime community and whether you try to deny it or not, anyone can truly relate to this sentence on a deeper level. It’s true, there are a lot of amazing anime out there that we can watch, but most shows require a lot of your time to enjoy them, especially when you have important responsibilities such as school or work. The solution? That’s right! Short anime!
Short anime is simply a good fix for your anime cravings when you are too busy with life. It comes with different genres that anyone can enjoy. Romance, Action, Comedy, Slice of Life? You bet you can find something that would suit your taste! For this article, we will list the top 10 best short anime series of 2016 that you, the fans, have voted for. So scroll down now to see the rank of your voted anime for 2016. Enjoy!
10. Aggressive Retsuko

- Episodes: 47+
- Air Date: Apr. 2016 - Currently Airing
Retsuko is a 25-year-old red panda who works as an accountant. Because of her soft and sweet demeanor, Retsuko is often exploited by her boss and co-workers to the point that she can’t take it anymore. In order to vent out the accumulated stress hidden within her, she sings death metal songs at karaoke or inside her head.
Although Aggressive Retsuko is only a minute long, it never fails to give its viewers a good old laugh. What makes this short anime so enjoyable is that all of Retsuko’s situations are so relatable! Especially so when you are working in an environment like Retsuko’s. We’re sure you’ve been there, having overtime in your work that you didn’t ask for, having noisy colleagues or having to deal with a co-worker that is too deaf to hear your request. This anime is very simple but it’s definitely a good watch when you need to release steam from a busy day. Or just mimic our little heroine Restsuko and sing some hardcore death metal song in your mind or at the karaoke parlor.
9. Uchuu Patrol Luluco (Space Patrol Luluco)

- Episodes: 13
- Air Date: Apr. 2016 - Jun. 2016
Luluco is a young girl who lives in a place called Ogikubo where humans and aliens live together. Despite the fact that she lives with these unusual creatures, Luluco wants nothing more but to live a normal life. However, fate has other plans as an unfortunate incident happened to her father. In order to save her father, Luluco asks for help from the Space Patrol where her father works, but there is a condition: Luluco must work under space control to protect Ogikubo together with her new classmate and partner, Alpha Omega Nova.
Studio Trigger has once again given us another quirky anime that we can enjoy, but this time, in minutes. The show will make you think “What on earth am I watching?”. The show has too many things that are happening at once and are way over the top. But one cannot pull their eyes away because it is interesting. This anime is simply like Kill la Kill but on a much smaller scale. The plot of the anime is nicely done and one can only wish that this show was a full-length anime. It also references some of Studio Trigger's former works. So if you are a fan of Studio Trigger, we’re sure that you’ve noticed some of the important allusions in the show. Uchuu Patrol Luluco is a nice show with flashy animation and an awesome soundtrack.
8. Sekkou Boys (Sekko Boys)

- Episodes: 12
- Air Date: Jan. 2016 - Mar. 2016
Miki Ishimoto is an art student that was fortunate enough to land a wonderful job. She is assigned to be the manager of the group Sekkou Boys or “The Rockies”. Upon meeting the idols in question, she is shocked to learn that the group “The Rockies” is composed of four Greco-Roman sculptures. They introduced themselves as St. George, the leader of the group; Mars, the sturdy guy; Hermes, the know-it-all; and Medici, the silly one.
How many male idol anime have come out lately? There are sure to be tons of them, right? Sekkou Boys falls into this spectrum but with a twist! As you all know, the Rockies are statues that aim high to become the best idol male group. This show is magnificently made as it parodies some of the famous male idol anime out there. It mainly shows the ins and outs of the entertainment industry in a ridiculous way. Even though St. George, Medici, Mars, and Hermes are statues, they have a lot to offer along with their determined manager Miki Ishimoto. The idea of famous statues becoming idols is indeed a crazy premise, but hey, it works!
7. Oshiete! Galko-chan (Please tell me! Galko-chan)

- Episodes: 12
- Air Date: Jan. 2016 - Mar. 2016
The story revolves around three friends who discuss a variety of things despite their differences. Galko is the most popular of the three and is known to have a wild character. There’s also Otako who is mostly quiet but loves reading manga. Lastly, Oujo is a well-mannered lady but is a total airhead. Join these three lovely ladies as they try to find answers in their lively conversations.
Oshiete! Galko-chan is a very straightforward anime. Our three heroines, Galko, Otako, and Oujo mostly talk about random topics that range from sensible ones to outrageous ones. Nevertheless, the answers to each question are informative. All in all, this anime is mostly about what girls talk about, but we also get to see the boys’ side. Viewers are able to see the difference between what girls think about this or what boys think about that. Along with the interesting topics that are shown here, the characters too are one of the things that make the anime even better. At first glance, it seems every character follows a certain stereotype. But as the show progresses, it is shown that they are not what they seem to be. Oshiete! Galko-chan is a nice interesting anime that anyone can enjoy at their leisure.
6. Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan (TV) (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)

- Episodes: 120
- Air Date: Jul. 2016 - Dec. 2016
All of us at one point have wished to have awesome superpowers, but Saiki Kusuo he perceives his psychic abilities as a curse. Unlike some people who want to use their powers to stand out and be the hero of the day, Saiki prefers to live a quiet, peaceful life. Of course, in order to do that, he has to do all that he can to hide his supernatural abilities. The problem is, there are people around him who constantly bug him to no end. Guess the normal life that he wishes to have won’t come that easily.
Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan is another anime that is filled with many gags, puns, cliches and parodies of some well-known shows. The anime is mostly episodic and repetitive, however, it’s one of the best short series out there that can surely make you laugh your ass off. What makes the anime engaging is Saiki’s interaction with the people who surround him. Even though Saiki is what you may call an abnormal person because of his psychic powers, it would seem that he is the sanest of all the characters, as everyone around him acts so hilariously crazy! It’s indeed pitiful to see that Saiki can’t live his life in a peaceful way, but still, we can’t stop laughing at his misadventures! The show is truly golden, deserving the 7th spot!
5. Momokuri

- Episodes: 26
- Air Date: Dec. 2015 - Feb. 2016
Every girl dreams of finding that special someone and being with their dream man for the rest of their lives. Luckily for Kirihara Yuki, she has a chance to make this dream come true when she finally gets the chance to date her crush, Momotsuki Shinya. Kirihara may look innocent and cute on the outside, but in reality, she is extremely crazy for Momotsuki. Momotsuki, on the other hand, is a simple man who has no experience with love and relationships. In spite of this, he tries his best to make everyone happy, most especially his beloved girlfriend, Yuki.
Momokuri is a romcom anime that shouts MOE! Everyone is so cute and adorable in here, even the male lead, Momotsuki. In real life, having an obsessive partner can be creepy and terrifying; but in Momokuri, the obsessive tendencies of Kirihara are shown in a positive way. The anime focuses more on the progression of the relationship between Momotsuki and Kirihara. Mainly, the problem in their relationship is their lack of openness and communication, hence why Kirihara resorts to stalking her small boyfriend. Even with that, both characters find a way to understand each other and find solutions to make their relationship stronger and long-lasting. Side characters are also given the time to showcase their story that can help progress the relationship between Momotsuki and Kirihara. The anime is filled with sweet moments that will make anyone melt into a gooey mess.
4. Bananya

- Episodes:13
- Air Date: Jul. 2016 - Sept. 2016
Bananya tells a story of Bananya who is a cat-fruit hybrid. Together with some of his friends, they venture around the kitchen in seek for adventures and for their dreams. One dream that Bananya wants to achieve is becoming a delicious chocolate covered Bananya. Join him and his friends for some Bananya overload!
Bananya is a pure anime that is soothing to watch. We get to see different kinds of Bananyas in the series, like Tora Bananya, Bananya-ko, Namaste Bananya and so many more! The best part of the series is how Bananyas think, act and react to their surroundings and situations. They are so adorable and innocent! Even if you’re not a cat lover or a banana lover, this show is one of the best to watch in your busy life. One episode from this show can make your day~ Anyone agree?
3. Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu (The Highschool Life of a Fudanshi)

- Episodes: 12
- Air Date: Jul. 2016 - Sept. 2016
Sakaguchi Ryou is a handsome high school boy as well as a fudanshi (a male that loves male x male romance) by heart. His close friend, Nakamura Toshiaki, knows that he is an avid fan of shounen-ai and yaoi genres. Even though Nakamura is there to respect and support his interesting hobbies, Ryou really doesn’t have a friend that has the same interests as him. Not until he meets Nishihara Rumi and some odd characters who make his fudanshi life more fun and enjoyable.
The Shounen-ai and Yaoi genres are becoming quite popular these days. That’s why when Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu aired, a lot of fujoshi and fudanshi came to watch this spectacular show. Why would they not watch it? It’s a relatable anime that they can connect with. Like how Sakaguchi discusses his OTPs to Nishihara or how he let his imagination go wild when there are two men close to each other. The anime parodies the life of fujoshi and fudanshi and makes it funnier because of the exaggerated situations that Sakaguchi experiences. Adding to that, the show offers some insights about the differences between a fujoshi and a fudanshi. Of course, this anime also caters to anyone! If you have friends like Sakaguchi or Nishihara, you can probably relate to Nakamura.

2. Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+! ( My Wife is the Student Council President! +)

- Episodes: 12
- Air Date: Oct. 2016 - Dec. 2016
Izumi Hayato is a responsible and well-mannered boy who wants to run for student council president. But to his dismay, his rival, Wakana Ui, won the title after promising exciting things to the students while throwing out some condoms. Even with his defeat, Izumi settles for the position of vice-president instead. Once he came home, he is surprised to see Ui at his doorstep. There, Ui explained that she is to become Izumi’s wife because of their parents’ drunken promise.
This anime is a sequel of the 1st season that still follows the life of Izumi Hayato. As with the first season, Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+! still manages to make its viewers laugh because of the hilarity of the characters. The characters, especially the female ones, are eccentric as ever and push boundaries more than in the 1st season. Each situation that Hayato is in is purely comical and mostly cliche. It’s a good short ecchi show that is endlessly filled with sexual innuendos, boobs, and butts!

1. Nijiiro Days ( Rainbow Days)

- Episodes: 24
- Air Date: Jan. 2016 - Jun. 2016
Nijiiro Days is a shoujo anime that tells about the colorful lives of Natsuki, Tomoya, Keiichi, and Tsuyoshi. Although it mostly tells about their lives, it focuses more on their love life. Poor Hashiba Natsuki just broke up with his girlfriend during Christmas Eve. Sitting in a corner feeling devastated and heartbroken, a cute girl in a Santa outfit gave him tissues in order to comfort him. Natsuki immediately fell in love with the girl and was lucky enough to find out that the girl, Kobayakawa Anna, goes to the same school as him. He aims to make Anna fall in love with him but it seems his friends are not helping at all, and to make matters worse, Anna’s friend, Tsutsui Mari, hogs Anna to herself.
The anime is pretty much straightforward and does not have that heavy drama that some shoujo anime tend to have. The anime shifts from character to character in order to give the 4 main characters a chance to shine and in order for the viewers to get to know them more. Nijiiro Days may have some stereotypical characters but it is established in a way that is unique and refreshing. The anime, overall, is very entertaining. Still, don’t you agree that Nijiiro days has to have more episodes? We need more~

Final Thoughts
Now, there you have it! Top 10 best 2016 short anime series that fans voted for. Although these anime are indeed short, they are still engaging and amusing in their own right. Most short anime are easy to digest so if you want a good anime fix in your day, these anime will surely not disappoint!
So what anime did you vote for? Were you happy and satisfied with the outcome of the results? Write it all down in the comment section below! Remember to stay tuned to Honey’s Anime and we do hope to see you again in the next article. Chao Chao~ Now signing off!
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