[Anime Culture Monday] Top 10 Drinks in Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara (Love is Like a Cocktail) [Best Recommendations]

Osake-wa-Fufu-ni-Natte-Kara-dvd-431x500 [Anime Culture Monday] Top 10 Drinks in Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara (Love is Like a Cocktail) [Best Recommendations]

About Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara (Love is Like a Cocktail)

  • Episodes: 13
  • Air Date: Oct. 2017 – Dec. 2017

Known as the accomplished and diligent Chisato at her office, the young assistant manager and wife goes by Chi-chan at home. Once there, she is doted upon by her stay-at-home husband and personal bartender, enabling her love of drinking. Only in front of her husband Sora does Chi-chan let her guard down and happily indulge in drinking. Her reserved and serious nature disappears and she becomes very needy and flirty. Sora adores how Chi-chan allows herself to become so cute in front of him and so tries hard to come up with new drinks she'll love.

We’ve decided to compile what we think are the best of Sora’s creations so that you can give them a try at home! (If you’re of legal drinking age in whichever part of the world you are, of course!). Cheers!

10. Banana Cocktail

  • Episodes: 5

One of the moments Sora looks forward to the most every day is his cute wife coming home and getting to prepare her an alcoholic drink. He loves seeing how sweet she becomes, but Chi-chan tells him she'll be holding back for a while due to needing to meet deadlines at the office. She works hard every day to the point of exhaustion, and Sora finds a way to perk her up. He makes her a Special Banana Cocktail the night before her presentation is due, and with renewed vigor, Chi-chan tackles her assignment.

The Special Banana Cocktail makes it to number ten because of what makes it so special... it's non-alcoholic! While maintaining a similar recipe for a cocktail, it's used more to overcome exhaustion than to get tipsy and have fun. It's made with milk, honey, banana, and citrus jam. With a dose of healthy ingredients, it's a drink you don't have to feel bad about indulging in!

9. Egg Sake

  • Episodes: 8

Even though Sora is usually tasked with making dinner, when he falls ill, it's up to Chi-chan to prepare him a healthy meal! She finds she ruins pretty much everything from vegetable soup to 'porridge you can't mess up'. The one thing she manages to make is egg sake and not only does it taste great, but it makes Sora feel much better! While this may sound crazy to people outside of Japan (why would you give your sick husband eggs and alcohol, that sounds like a recipe for vomit!), it's actually a traditional cure for the cold. You want to whisk an egg, sake, and milk until its a uniform mixture, then let it simmer. After a few minutes, add honey to taste. It's at number 9 on our list because this won't be everyone's go-to drink, it's not an easy make for beginners, and its healing effects are questionable.

8. Shandygaff

  • Episodes: 10

On April Fool's Day, Sora plays a prank on Chi-chan which makes her angry towards him. Trying to show her that not all pranks are bad, he gives her a beer knowing she doesn't like beer. After tasting it, Chi-chan can't believe how good it is! It looks just like beer but is surprisingly easy to drink. After some alcohol and sweet words from Sora, Chi-chan is ready to forgive her husband.

A Shandygaff is probably not the drink you'd make for alcohol enthusiasts, it might be an option to consider for those who dislike beer but don't want to be left out at drinking-centric parties. A safer and easier alternative to shots, a Shandygaff is just beer mixed with ginger ale. The result is a beer without the bitter aftertaste.

7. Spritzer

  • Episodes: 4

After watching TV together, Sora and Chi-chan head to bed. When her grumbling stomach attracts the attention of her husband, he insists they have something to eat instead of trying to ignore it. After whipping up a delicious meal, Sora makes a drink for Chi-chan. To her delight, it's light and refreshing, perfect for winding down the night! After finishing her Spritzer, the couple enjoys some curry and return to bed.

A Spritzer is a fun, nice choice for a drink when you want some alcohol with a bubbly twist! Made from a 1:1 ratio of white wine and soda water with a slice of lime. This is a great drink for rounding off a meal or for special occasions.

6. Frozen Mango Cocktail

  • Episodes: 13

Chi-chan has had a hard week at work and is looking forward to nothing more than relaxing at home with a drink. Sora prepares her a delicious smoothie and meal... all devoid of alcohol!! Just when she's lost all hope, he brings out a frozen dessert and to her surprise, it's a frozen drink. Not only is it the release she needed, but it brings back memories of when she first met Sora at the bar he worked at when he made her a frozen mango cocktail. Refreshingly sweet just like her husband, this alcoholic dessert warms Chi-chan's heart.

While not fully discussed until episode 13, the Frozen Mango Cocktail first appears in episode 12. In 12, it's sipped from a glass, while in 13 Chi-chan eats it with a spoon as if it's a sorbet. This drink can be versatile in how it's served depending on how frozen it is. With a relatively simple ingredients list, all that's needed is frozen mango and pineapple juice with vodka in a 2:2:1 ratio. Mix in a blender and serve after dinner to cleanse the palate!

5. Bellini

  • Episodes: 6

When Chisato's proposal gets accepted at work, her coworker Shiraishi takes her out for a celebratory drink, and Chi-chan narrowly avoids being discovered as the lovable lush she is. Once she's home, she asks Sora to prepare her a celebratory drink and he provides her with a Bellini. Loving the sweet taste of victory and peaches, Chi-chan muses about what a reliable worker and friend Shiraishi is, and vows to keep working hard herself.

Bellinis are a great drink for special outings or celebrations. One can create this elegant taste by using canned peaches pureed in a blender and adding it to rose sparkling wine. Not only does this pair create a delicious taste but the color is beautiful. The bubbles add a more celebratory feel.

4. Zoom

  • Episodes: 9

Chi-chan starts her day off feeling tired, but when Sora suddenly embraces her for 30 seconds, she feels much more energetic! Wanting to spread this technique to others, she embraces her tired coworker Shiraishi for 30 seconds, who later hugs her tired husband for 30 seconds. In this way, good feelings and energy are spread! To end the day the right way, Sora makes a drink called Zoom, which he says is like a warm embrace. Feeling good from her drink, Chi-chan shares her energy with Sora.

Zoom might be a weird name, but we're getting to some serious drinks now! Mixing brandy, honey, and cream in a 2:1:1 ratio, you have a fun drink that will surely give you a buzz. Brandy may not be the top choice of inexperienced drinkers, but those that enjoy a good drink will appreciate its power.

3. Irish Coffee

  • Episodes: 7

Sora decides to turn on a scary movie he enjoyed in the past and Chi-chan tries to act cool but can't help but show her fear. Knowing a stiff drink is what she needs to relax, Sora makes her an Irish Coffee. Chi-chan wasn't expecting the alcohol in her coffee but she certainly wasn't complaining. Now able to focus on the movie without being too scared, Chi-chan used any opportunity to cling to her husband and cuddle him under the guise of being afraid.

This is a drink probably most of us are familiar with, convincing ourselves that we're getting the two-for-one of having caffeine to get us to focus while drinking alcohol to have fun. Whether or not this ends up being effective, it's at least delicious and easy to drink. Make your coffee how you like it, or simply use hot coffee and sugar, and add Irish whiskey. Finish it off with some whipped cream and you're ready to enjoy.

2. Plum Splet

  • Episodes: 1

Chi-chan, known around the office as Chief or Chisato, helps her coworker finish up a task and then is asked out for drinks as a thank you. Despite really wanting to go, she holds herself back until she makes it home. When Sora, her darling husband, offers her a Plum Splet she just can't refuse. The sweet taste of plum and refreshing zing of lemon helps revive her after her harrowing day. Despite being rather aloof earlier, her cuteness comes out after getting drunk at home.

Umeshu is a popular enough drink on its own, but when you combine it with soda water and lemon juice, the near sickly-sweet taste is made less intense. It's a bit stronger while still being easy to drink. It's also easy to prepare and serve!

1. Orange Breeze

  • Episodes: 2

Sora and Chi-chan get rained in, and Chi-chan is happy to laze about with her husband. However, when Sora tells her that they have only old rice wine and he can't go shopping till the rain stops, she becomes depressed. She doesn't like the smell or the taste, but Sora manages to create a drink she loves anyway, allowing her to remain intoxicated and Sora to enjoy the resulting affection.

Orange juice is great for turning liquor that might be too strong on its own into a pleasant cocktail. As Chi-chan calls it, the 'adult orange juice' contains rice wine (also called Nihonshu), orange juice, and soda water in a 1:1:1 ratio. You can make a powerful drink that doesn't taste bad at all, and get your Vitamin C for the day!

Final Thoughts

Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara shows us that you can both enjoy alcohol frequently and responsibly, which we very much encourage! With fun and simple recipes each episode, we get to learn as we fawn over how cute Chi-chan and Sora are together. If you get the chance, try these drinks out for yourself! Let us know in the comments what you liked, or if you have any special recipes of your own you'd like to share with a special someone.

Osake-wa-Fufu-ni-Natte-Kara-dvd-431x500 [Anime Culture Monday] Top 10 Drinks in Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara (Love is Like a Cocktail) [Best Recommendations]


Author: May

Hey friends! I reside in Georgia and use my degree in Japanese primarily to (barely) read doujinshi that hasn’t been translated. Beyond deciding who is best girl in whatever I happen to be watching, I really enjoy ballroom dancing, reading, crying over dating sims, karaoke, and being surrounded by beautiful things~ (You know, scenery, décor, boys, stuff like that). I also love talking about passions with others!

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