What You Need to Know:
- My Navi made a report on exactly which aspects men look for in a woman's bust.
- Some of the responses were to be expected, but surprisingly (and to the relief of many), size doesn't top the list.
- Check out the breakdown below.
Q: What is it that you most look for in a woman's bust?
● #1. "Shape" --- (43.7%)
○ #2. "Size" --- (23.2%)
● #3. "Softness" --- (17.5%)
○ #4. "Elasticity" --- (4.8%)
● #5. "Color" --- (3.9%)
○ #5. "Perkiness" --- (3.9%)
Below are explanations given for some of the top choices.
#1. Shape:
- "If they're too large, what's the point? I think beauty is more than just size." (28 years old - IT worker)
- "If they lose their shape, and become droopy, it's kind of disappointing." (23 years old - maintenance worker)
#2. Size:
- "I just want more volume." (28 years old - education worker)
- "As long as they're a good size for me, I couldn't care less about the shape or color." (27 years old - IT worker)
#3. Softness:
- "The softer they are, the nicer it feels." (28 years old - auto worker)
- "They feel nicer to touch." (28 years old - metals chemist)
Overall, it seems like shape is most important to the majority of men. Of course, these results only go so far, and there are surely many men (and women) out there whose opinions differ wildly from this list.
Source: My Navi

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