![LALA-To-LOVE-Ru-wallpaper-528x500 [Thirsty Thursday] Top 5 To LOVE-Ru Ecchi Scenes](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/LALA-To-LOVE-Ru-wallpaper-528x500.jpg)
One of the longest running ecchi series about, with a good sized, varied harem and high-quality art and animation it's no wonder that To LOVE-Ru has no trouble selling Blu-rays. Compared to numerous other popular ecchi shows like High School DxD and Shinmai Maou no Testament, what's impressive about To LOVE-Ru is how the girls largely maintain an air of innocence and naivety despite the overwhelmingly perverse situations they get into. There's also a legitimate chance that Rito will achieve a true harem end, which we think everyone is rooting for.
With so much content out, we decided it was about time to take a closer look at To LOVE-Ru's best moments and decide once and for all which ones were really worth watching. And rewatching. Numerous times. We had to make sure they were the best. Anyway, we've chosen what we think are they top 5 To LOVE-Ru ecchi scenes, and we would invite you to keep scrolling and check them out for yourselves!
5. Haruna's Drinking Problem
![LALA-To-LOVE-Ru-wallpaper-528x500 [Thirsty Thursday] Top 5 To LOVE-Ru Ecchi Scenes](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/to-love-ru-dvd-Haruna-Sairenji-300x372.jpg)
![LALA-To-LOVE-Ru-wallpaper-528x500 [Thirsty Thursday] Top 5 To LOVE-Ru Ecchi Scenes](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/to-love-ru-dvd-Haruna-Sairenji-300x372.jpg)
We start off the list with one of the best scenes from To LOVE-Ru Darkness' latest season, involving a very, very drunk Haruna. After Nana gives Haruna one of her Devilukian sports drinks, the inevitable happens, with Haruna becoming too inebriated to make her own way home, and Momo suggesting that Rito is kind enough to lend a hand. The first part of the scene is more amusing than anything, with drunk Haruna being quite adorable, but it's after they get home and she persuades Rito to come inside that things really get started.
Personality flipped Haruna appears a couple of times in To LOVE-Ru, with it being one of the sure fire ways of getting her to do ecchi things due to how assertive she becomes. This time she's determined to not let her Rito go, and manages to keep him pinned for quite a while on her bed, all the time unknowingly teasing him. What really makes the scene though is the unfortunate water spillage, soaking Haruna's lingerie through and dripping off her body throughout the scene. To LOVE-Ru always does a great job of using various liquids in its ecchi scenes, as you'll see from some of the others on the list, with this being one of the many great examples.
4. Locked Up with Kyouko
Despite being a side character, Kyouko Kirisaki is fortunate enough to actually get some excellent stories of her own throughout To LOVE-Ru, with her teasing and confident personality helping her get some of the rather ecchi scenes as well. After randomly showing up at Sainan High, Kyouko's popularity as an idol causes hordes of boys to flock to her, so it's up to Rito to save her from their rampage. Wanting to help out as well, Lala is kind enough to aid the two by teleporting them into a locker...? Not their clothes of course, just them. With the locker, unfortunately, being placed within Rito's own classroom, however, there's no chance of an easy escape from this ecchi accident.
The big draw of this scene is the sense of danger created by the thought of the two getting caught by their classmates. This of course also means more time in the locker for the two of them whilst they wait it out. The awkward positioning of the two leads to some very pleasant sounds escaping from Kyouko, along with her pleas for Rito to stop moving. Instead of water, this time we see a copious amount of sweat enhancing the scene's erotic nature as the two struggle with the moist heat of the locker. As a little extra, we also get to see Haruna taking Kyouko's place at the end as Rito starts fantasizing.
3. Call Girl Yui
![LALA-To-LOVE-Ru-wallpaper-528x500 [Thirsty Thursday] Top 5 To LOVE-Ru Ecchi Scenes](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/to-love-ru-dvd-yui-kotegawa-300x427.jpg)
![LALA-To-LOVE-Ru-wallpaper-528x500 [Thirsty Thursday] Top 5 To LOVE-Ru Ecchi Scenes](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/to-love-ru-dvd-yui-kotegawa-300x427.jpg)
It's about time Yui made an appearance, with her character getting many of the series' lewdest scenes, ironically making her one of the most 'shameless' girls about. It all starts with her being kind enough to lend Rito a cute book about cats for little Celine, Yui's cat obsession proving itself useful. With Rito wanting to thank her but having just broken his phone, Lala kindly fixes the device for him, and even adds a few modifications of her own. And so with that, Yui gets one of the most exciting phone calls of her life.
There are actually three distinct parts to this quite long scene, with the eroticism leveling up each time. We start off with our regular, fully clothed Yui, struggling to stay on the phone as she falls to her knees. She's also chosen this time to be tsundere which is rarely a bad thing. As she loses control and the voice from the phone takes over, shadowy hands began caressing her and we see her starting to give in, as is always inevitable with Yui. Lastly, it's time for curious liquids once again: this time sweet, sticky honey covers our now helpless harem member, leading to the scene's quite literal climax. Yui will certainly think twice before taking another call from Rito.
2. Nemesis and Momo's Garden of Eden
The result of Nemesis' boredom and Momo's competitive streak, their flowery night of fun is certainly one to remember. Starting with Nemesis' semi-innocent desire for Rito to tell her a scary story, things liven up after Momo jumps out of the closet, halting any further questionable activities for the time being. As you can imagine, though, nothing can stop these girls for long, in fact, it's not long before they start happily co-operating with each other to ensure Rito has exciting, ecchi evening.
What starts off with burning hot wax, quickly turns into a full body massage upon the involvement of Momo's quirky plant life, which needs a good, vigorous rubbing if it's to let out it's rejuvenating milky insides. The greatest thing about this scene is the joy with which Momo and, moreso, Nemesis getting themselves covered in the thick and white natural moisturiser, all for the sake of Rito's wellbeing. Along with that comes some very nice audio, and much sensual rubbing that just keeps on going. It's always nice to see the girls getting along don't you think?
1. Momo on Ice
![LALA-To-LOVE-Ru-wallpaper-528x500 [Thirsty Thursday] Top 5 To LOVE-Ru Ecchi Scenes](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/to-love-ru-dvd--300x403.jpg)
![LALA-To-LOVE-Ru-wallpaper-528x500 [Thirsty Thursday] Top 5 To LOVE-Ru Ecchi Scenes](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/to-love-ru-dvd--300x403.jpg)
Here's Momo making yet another appearance, it's no wonder she's such a popular girl. Momo's ice lolly scene is the exaggerated and obscene scenario dreamt up by the Venus Momo Club upon hearing that their princess has been 'captured' by Rito, who is doing all manner of terrible things to her. Although one of the shortest scenes on the list, the clip was a favourite on certain image boards for a time due to its blatantly hentai nature. Ice lollies are rarely that thick and creamy.
As it's part of the VMC's imagination, the scene takes on a different feeling to the majority of To LOVE-Ru's ecchi scenes, with Momo acting as the poor girl whose subject to Rito's carnal desires. Like with any other personality flip scene, Momo's troubled act throughout is what makes it stand out as one of her best: the idea of the very ecchi girl being overwhelmed.
The random school swimsuit is very much appreciated as well, and although school swimsuits are featured in a couple of other episodes, this scene, in particular, does the fetish justice. On top of that the ending is nothing short of perfect, with Momo's cries of "Please forgive me master!" and sloppy popsicle exploding everywhere. This is as close as you're going to get to actual hentai in To LOVE-Ru, at least for now.
Final Thoughts
As To LOVE-Ru continues, it's ecchi scenes only get better and better, and more and more perverse, with many of the best ones lying in recent OVAs or the latest season itself. In fact, the OVAs feature most of the best content, largely due to looser censorship rules, so be sure to check those out. Or watch them again of course.
With only 5 spots available, sadly we couldn't feature all of the series' heroines, but hopefully at least one of your favourite girls was up there. As always, though, we'd love to hear what you guys think, so whether you like the incestuous incidents involving Mikan, Darkness Yami's obsession with ecchi, or Lala's accident prone inventions, be sure to leave us a comment down below!
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