- Episodes : 12
- Genre : Shounen, Yuri
- Airing Date : October 10, 2015 to December 26, 2015
- Producers : Arms
Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid Preview / Plot (No Spoilers)
Tokomome Mamori is a special kind of girl who was transferred to a mysterious island chain in the middle of the ocean in the most unconventional way. The young cast away was suddenly attacked by the island inhabitants, but then was luckily saved by a girl named Shikishima Mirei. As their assailants pressed on with their attack, Mirei suddenly kissed Mamori, and Mamori turns into a sword!
The girls who are exiled to these islands are infected by the mysterious Armed Virus that grants them unique abilities. The girls who are affected by the virus are divided into two classes: the Exters, who can transform into weapons called Liberator Arms when sexually aroused, and the Liberators, who has the ability to wield the Exters and harness their powers. Yeah, you read that right: Unimaginable powers using lezzy sex!

What’s so appealing about this piece of work.
The anime is geared towards the male audience and it certainly shows. The main and only selling point of Valkyrie Drive is the lesbian porn that managed to avoid the R18 rating. Before the girls engage in battle, they must first literally engage in explicit lesbian acts to activate their powers like French kissing, groping, crotch rubbing and fingering. It’s funny their opponents just stood there watching the girls make out. I mean, come on, shoot them while they’re making out.
TV Anime “Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid” PV 2
Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid Main Characters List
Tokomome Mamori

Voice Actor :Izawa Mikako
Mamori is one of the most unfortunate girls who caught the Armed Virus and was thrown into Mermaid island. She is short, timid, gentle and is often laughed at her name because in Japanese, Tokomome also reads as “virgin.” Silly name aside, anyone can tell she is a virgin with that list of doormat traits. J-Just saying from experience. Mamori partners with another cast away Mirei as they survive and find a way to get out the island.
Shikishima Mirei

Voice Actor :Iguchi Yuka
Mirei is very tall and well-endowed 15 year old. Yeah, she’s 15 and according to the 1-2 year flashback, she still has torpedo tits when she was younger. Anyway, Mirei is also infected with the Armed Virus and exiled to Mermaid island, but unlike the rest of the girls who were unfortunate enough to caught the virus, Mirei is a seasoned fighter and already knowledgeable of harnessing the power of the virus, as evident of successfully turning Mamori a weapon for the first time.
Contains Spoilers
Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid Review
While the premise is somewhat interesting, Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid doesn’t really delve deep into the mystery of the Armed Virus and the people who use it for military applications. The anime did vaguely explains certain elements of the plot and the virus, but sadly the show didn’t bother to expand these elements leading to lots of unanswered questions and wasted potential. The ending felt like it was ripped straight off of Puella Magi Madoka with the characters achieving omnipotence, but topped it off with a tentacle rape scene. I often wonder if this Armed Virus is made by science or is magical in nature.
The anime is very predictable thanks to the typical character stereotypes and the clear indication the story is just an afterthought, a setting for the lewd content. Kasumi, generally an ally to Mamori and Mirei has a bedridden friend and was forced to fight in the end because the friend is being held hostage. At least Kasumi looks like a high school teacher with that pair of glasses and imposing look. I’d take her after class lessons, if you know what I mean. Meifon is a smart merchant-smuggler who got double crossed in the end by her partners. And Hiiragi Akira, the Governor and the only male on the island is OBVIOUSLY not male, and so on. The only characters I didn’t find as complete stereotypes are the duo Lady J and Hasumi Rayne. They had enough mystery surrounding them and their attitude to butt into conflicts made them popular amongst fans.
The main characters aren’t interesting other than seeing them make out in front of everyone.
Tokomome Mamori is a one dimensional damsel-in-distress and is pretty much a sex tool. She did nothing to advance the plot and 90% of the time she just drools over her prince charming or gets into trouble and then gets rescued by Mirei. She’s only relevant at the last two episodes where they discovered Mamori’s potential. The revelation wasn’t surprising and wasn’t really explained why she’s so special.
Shikishima Mirei is the most boring character in the show with her unexpressive face, rarely speaks and does nothing interesting other than fighting. There’s a backstory of her being a former Soldier (no, not Final Fantasy VII SOLDIER), and was cast away to the island because she did something the people pulling the strings didn’t like. There was one moment Mirei showed a bit of jealousy when someone else was able to harness Mamori’s powers, but that’s about it. Come to think of it, Mirei reminds me of Sgt. Todd 3465, also a soldier, in a movie also called Soldier. Sadly, Todd has way more personality than Mirei, and if you’ve seen the movie, that’s saying a lot.

The anime has uninteresting main characters that lack any real character, but makes up for it for the more interesting supporting characters, though their numbers are few. For me, I counted two namely Mermaid island’s commander Shigure ‘sexy thighs’ Kasumi, and Sakura Meifon, the only girl whose bust size isn’t over A cup. Meifon wears a cowboy hat and speaks Kansai-ben… That’s not how you make a cowboy stereotype, Japan… *ahem*
Despite these shortcomings, the anime is rather fun to watch once you get past 3-4 episodes, gotten used to the explicit fanservice, and after introducing key supporting characters. The pacing isn’t bad and it’s enough to keep me interested in watching the next episode. I had a few genuine laughs, too. The fight scenes are okay, but if you watched One Punch Man before Valkyrie Drive like me, the fights aren’t that, well, bombastic. But hey, tits and ass, girls kissing other girls before a battle is something completely different from the norm.
Finally, I didn’t enjoy any of the yuri fanservice in Valkyrie Drive. I found them very distasteful and sometimes downright bizarre. I wanted more substance to the yuri and if you’re like me, you’ll be disappointed that Valkyrie Drive used the yuri fanservice just for the sake of fanservice.
Valkyrie Drive Mermaid Review Highlight 1

Mirei protecting Mamori from the island inhabitants the moment they arrived. Thankfully Mirei having experience, she quickly disposed of their assailants.
Valkyrie Drive Mermaid Review Highlight 2

After being captured by the island’s forces, Mamori was taken away and was then saved by Mirei from a wedding ceremony.
Valkyrie Drive Mermaid Review Highlight 3

Through thick and thin, through countless groping and kissing, Mamori and Mirei’s bond is unmatched and tipped the tide of the battle.
Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid accomplished in raising the bar on how far anime can boldly display sex on public broadcast. It’s just another phase of anime growing up and getting bolder, and I do honestly hope future anime can confidently portray sex like Valkyrie Drive albeit in a more tasteful way.
It is still an above average anime that focused more on the yuri fanservice and the story is filled with many plotholes. A sequel may fill in those holes, but as it is, the story is just an afterthought. It’s not for everyone and the anime is aware of it. This anime is in the same vein as Queen’s Blade, Cross Ange, Ikkitousen and Senran Kagura that caters to a very niche crowd. If you’re part of that niche crowd, Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid delivers in spades with a setting to drive the plot, lots of beautiful big-breasted women, lots of nudity, and sexual scenes. But if you’re looking for a meaningful story, interesting main characters and tasteful use of yuri, then you’re better off watching something else.
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