Watch the New Solstice Chronicles: MIA in Ten Seconds trailer

Mia-560x315 Watch the New Solstice Chronicles: MIA in Ten Seconds trailer

What You Need to Know:

  • E3 is just around the corner and everybody is racing to get everything organized for the big event! NKidu Games has a 10 second trailer for their latest title Solstice Chronicles: MIA to entice you all, and we have it right here!
  • Solstice Chronicles: MIA is scheduled for release this summer. Stay tuned for more. Let us warn you that the trailer you're about to watch contains explicit content (lots of swearing), so be sure to mute it if the family is around!

Source: Official Evolve PR Press Release

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Solstice Chronicles: MIA In Ten Seconds

Mia-560x315 Watch the New Solstice Chronicles: MIA in Ten Seconds trailer
Haha a ten second trailer? Now that's a first for me. It looks frantic with all the monster attacking the main guy.
Mia-560x315 Watch the New Solstice Chronicles: MIA in Ten Seconds trailer
I can see why there's so much swearing, I'd be cursing too if I was surrounded by that many enemies.

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