Why Vinland Saga Season 2 Needed a Slower Pace

The first season of Vinland Saga was widely praised for its unique approach to the action anime genre. Blending fictional battles with historical figures, particularly the Vikings, it garnered a significant following. Naturally, fans were anticipating a second season, hoping it would live up to the high standards set by its predecessor. Unfortunately, this second season initially received mixed reviews from the community. However, the recent episodes have witnessed a resurgence in popularity, thanks to intense action sequences and compelling drama.

Some attributed this perceived failure to a slower start, as the season initially focused on the protagonist, Thorfinn, shedding his angsty nature and evolving into a more composed young adult. Additionally, he began the season as a slave, further deviating from the previous season's dynamics. Surprisingly, we believe that the deliberate decision to adopt a slower pace in Vinland Saga's second season was crucial, and here are the reasons why!

Constant Fighting Doesn’t Allow Storytelling

While the first season of Vinland Saga had its fair share of character introductions and development, it undeniably delivered intense action. However, a downside of this approach was that it left little room for exploring the motivations behind the characters' actions. For example, Thorkell's destructive nature and his reasons for fighting were not adequately explored. The first season does address this later on by revealing his connection to Thorfinn's father, Thors, and how it influenced his desire to confront Thorfinn.

Similarly, the second season prioritizes character development over battles for a significant portion of its duration. It delves into Thorfinn's current life, the transformation of Canute from a prince to a king, and sheds light on the fact that not every Viking embraced constant warfare. Moreover, the second season focuses on poignant moments that are not solely a result of combat but also highlight the abuse suffered by characters. While the action is enjoyable, a well-crafted story can be equally captivating, and the second season excelled in its narrative-driven approach.

The Change that Thorfinn Undergoes

Remember the dagger-wielding Thorfinn, who relentlessly killed his enemies fueled by anger and revenge for his father? Well, fans of that version of Thorfinn probably felt disappointed when our main character lost his trusty daggers and the desire to fight in the second season of Vinland Saga. We can't deny that watching Thorfinn go through a prolonged period of depression and self-hatred for nearly a dozen episodes was tough. However, during this time, Thorfinn begins to reflect on his past actions and realizes that killing has consequences.

The moment Askeladd appeared in Thorfinn's vision was when we realized that this is the crucial character development our main character needed to mature. Despite lacking a weapon, Thorfinn still proves his combat prowess, as seen in his fight against Snake. However, his goal is no longer mindless killing but rather protection. This shift in Thorfinn's mindset demonstrates how much he needed his life to take this new direction.

Wait, Are There Other Characters Besides Thorfinn?!

One could argue that focusing on Thorfinn makes sense in Vinland Saga, given that he is the central character. However, let's be honest; in the first season, Thorfinn comes across as somewhat one-dimensional. He spends most of his time shouting about his desire to kill Askeladd or criticizing Canute for being a coward. That's why when Vinland Saga shifts its focus to other characters and delves deeper into their stories, we are reminded that there's a whole world of characters to explore.

The second season of Vinland Saga doesn't suffer from this problem, as it introduces several new characters. We meet a former farmer, a slave master, a mercenary, and a transformed version of Canute, now vastly different from his portrayal last season. The sequel does an excellent job of giving depth to these characters and temporarily placing Thorfinn in the background.

Tear-Jerking Moments

Apart from the deaths of Askeladd and Thors, Vinland Saga hardly evoked any strong emotions from us. However, when other characters meet their demise (and Thorfinn delves into his own thoughts), we genuinely shed tears on multiple occasions. Without giving away any spoilers, the death of one of the slaves from another farm, their thoughts about their family, and their reunion in the afterlife moved us to tears. We have no shame in admitting it. The slower pace of Vinland Saga this season was perfect to pair these touching moments, and it certainly made us see the series in a whole new light.

Final Thoughts

The second season of Vinland Saga is slow-paced, there's no doubt about it, yet it helps this series immensely. Although many love the action scenes, a slower pace grows the world of Vinland Saga and its diverse cast. After all, you need these peaceful moments to better appreciate the contrast, right? We can't wait to see this season's grand finale!

Vinland-Saga-Season-2-wallpaper-1-700x394 Why Vinland Saga Season 2 Needed a Slower Pace


Author: Aaron

Hey everyone I’m Aaron Curbelo or Blade as I’m called by my YouTube Subscribers. I’ve been an anime/manga fan since I was a young kid. In terms of anime I have watched nearly a thousand shows and have read hundreds of manga series. I love writing and honestly was so happy to join Honey’s Anime to get a shot to write articles for such a wonderful site. I’m a firm believer in respect in the anime community being the most important embodiment we should all have. We all love anime and we have varying opinions of series but we should respect one another for those differences! Life is too precious to spend it making needless arguments in a community that should be the shining example of loving an amazing medium. I hope as a writer for Honey’s Anime I can bring you folks some amazing articles to read and enjoy!

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