Yakusoku no Neverland (The Promised Neverland) Chapter 127 Manga Review

Ray-Yakusoku-no-Neverland-manga-1-318x500 Yakusoku no Neverland (The Promised Neverland) Chapter 127 Manga Review

Special Blood

  • Episodes : Shirai, Kaiu
  • Genre : Shonen Jump
  • Airing Date : Mystery, Horror, Sci-Fi, Shounen
  • Producers : March 17, 2019

Contains Spoilers

Discussion Time

That bombshell this week in Yakusoku no Neverland chapter 127! Norman explains to Ray and Emma about an incident from 700 years ago involving our non-human eating saviors—namely Mujika—and we now know that her blood allows demons to maintain their human form even without eating human meat. This makes Mujika a threat to Norman’s plan as if she somehow is caught by royalty—which she has been running from for some time with her ally—then his plans all go bust. Emma is horrified to see Norman wish to take this path, but we think this will be a truly decisive moment in Yakusoku no Neverland. While Emma continues her path for heading back to the human world, Norman is convinced that their home has to be the demon world but under their control. So much excitement in chapter 127 of Yakusoku no Neverland, folks, and we’re here to say why this is a chapter you can’t miss!

Why You Should Read Yakusoku no Neverland (The Promised Neverland) Chapter 127

1. Emma might make a move soon!

Yakusoku no Neverland chapter 127 was impactful from a revelation aspect, but we think there’s another big element that can be easily missed. Emma, Ray and Norman have all be reunited but their trials and tribulations have changed them in numerous ways. Ray and Emma have sought a more peaceful approach but Norman has become darkened by his experiences which might make Emma change her ways towards working with him in the future. Chapter 127 could be a big shift for our once friends and we can’t wait to see if our thoughts come to fruition.

2. Mujika’s past revealed

Mujika has been easily one of the most intriguing mysteries of Yakusoku no Neverland since her moves in saving the children way back in the earlier chapters. Norman revealing her past has given us a clue that demons aren’t all similar in genetic makeup and has shown that they also don’t all need to consume humans to keep their intelligence and human-like forms. We now wonder if there are other demons like Mujika and equally wonder if there can be a move made to keep demons from having to consume humans but still keep their beloved forms.

Why You Should Skip Yakusoku no Neverland (The Promised Neverland) Chapter 127

1. Ray is being a bit too quiet

If we had any issues with Yakusoku no Neverland chapter 127, it would be simple one element: Ray needs to make some moves already! For the last dozen chapters or so, Ray, who is known to be vocal about his decisions or choices, has been quiet and overly cautious. We need the Ray from old to step up and help Emma out by either siding with her or maybe making his own plan of attack.

Final Thoughts

Honestly, we almost left out why you should skip Yakusoku no Neverland chapter 127 from our review because this chapter is a must read! Not only are some big plot points brought to light but we feel this new event might cause our friends to shift towards a different path in future chapters. Do you have any thoughts on Yakusoku no Neverland chapter 127? Leave some theories or comments about this amazing chapter in the comments below so we can theorize together! For even more reviews of Yakusoku no Neverland be sure to keep stuck to our hive here at Honey’s Anime!

Ray-Yakusoku-no-Neverland-manga-1-318x500 Yakusoku no Neverland (The Promised Neverland) Chapter 127 Manga Review


Author: Aaron

Hey everyone I’m Aaron Curbelo or Blade as I’m called by my YouTube Subscribers. I’ve been an anime/manga fan since I was a young kid. In terms of anime I have watched nearly a thousand shows and have read hundreds of manga series. I love writing and honestly was so happy to join Honey’s Anime to get a shot to write articles for such a wonderful site. I’m a firm believer in respect in the anime community being the most important embodiment we should all have. We all love anime and we have varying opinions of series but we should respect one another for those differences! Life is too precious to spend it making needless arguments in a community that should be the shining example of loving an amazing medium. I hope as a writer for Honey’s Anime I can bring you folks some amazing articles to read and enjoy!

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