AnimeJapan 2015 is a convention held in Tokyo on March 20th & 21th Japan time.
Over 130 anime related companies (producers, publishers, merchandising companies, retailers, schools, rights holders and so on) participated in it and showing out their latest products and news. Other than those, there are programs including business areas, cosplay areas, seminars and so on. It's a huge convention that every single anime lover can enjoy him/herself!
Today, we would like to introduce you new PVs of upcoming anime disclosed in & around this event! At the last of this page, you'll find ---.
1. Non Non Biyori Repeat
The second season of Non Non Biyori will be aired in Summer 2015. (starting from July)
Great slice of life is coming again!
Non Non Biyori Repeat PV vol.1
2. Plastic Memories
Spring 2015 Anime. (starting from April)
The 3rd PV of Plastic Memories is announced!
You guys know this anime's scenario is written by Steins;Gate's scenario writer, right?!
Plastic Memories PV vol.3
3. Ninja Slayer from Animation
Spring 2015 Anime starting from April.
4. Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai
(A Boring World Where the Concept of "Dirty Jokes" Does Not Exist)
Summer 2015 Anime starting from July.
This will be some ECCHI...
A Boring World Where the Concept of "Dirty Jokes" Does Not Exist Official PV3
5. Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda.
(The Anthem of the Heart -Beautiful Word, Beautiful World-)
The movie which will be created by Anohana team released its PV!
The movie's releasing date is determined to be Sep. 19th!
Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda. PV
6. Rokka no Yuusha
(Heroes of the Six Flowers)
Summer 2015 Anime. (starting from July)
Fantasy anime adapted from its light novel! Led by a director of Maoyuu.
Rokka no Yuusha PV vol. 0
7. Aquarion Logos
Summer 2015 Anime. (starting from July)
New series of Aquarion! Can't wait to see awesome mecha anime!
Aquarion Logos PV vol.1
8. Strike Witches Operation Victory Arrow Vol.3 - Arnhem Bridge
OVA which will be released on March 2nd!
Strike Witches Operation Victory Arrow Vol.3 - Arnhem Bridge PV
9. Blood Blockade Battlefront (Kekkai Sensen)
Spring 2015 Anime. (starting from April)
The 3rd PV is disclosed!!! Just amazing...
Blood Blockade Battlefront PV vol.3
10. Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic
Spring 2015 Anime. (starting from April)
The 2nd season of Kiniro Mosaic.
One of slice of life to check out in Spring season!
Hello! Kiniro Mosaic PV vol. 3
11. Ranpo Kitan
(Ranpo Kitan Game of Laplace)
Not much is known about this show but it looks like everyone's favorite genre, HORROR...
Will be aired after July.
Ranpo Kitan PV
12. Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
(Snow White with the Red Hair)
Summer 2015 Anime.
Palace fantasy.
Snow White with the Red Hair PV vol.1
13. Houkago no Pleiades
(Wish Upon the Pleiades)
Spring 2015 Anime. (starting from April)
Magical girls!
Houkago no Pleiades PV vol.2
Summer 2015 Anime.
Adapted from Manga. PV is amazingly cool! Action anime.
15. Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd season
Spring 2015 Anime.
The 1st season was EPIC. Battle scenes were just awesome.
You can listen to new OP songs here!!!
Fate/stay night UBW 2nd season PV
16. Hibike! Euphonium
Spring 2015 Anime.
Hibike! Euphonium PV2
17. Food Wars: Shokugeki No Soma
Spring 2015 Anime.
Food Wars: Shokugeki No Soma AnimeJapan2015 Trailer
18. Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka
Spring 2015 Anime.
Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka PV
This wraps up newly revealed PVs found around AnimeJapan 2015! Be sure to add your favorites in your watch list!
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