![JoJo-no-Kimyou-na-Bouken-Part-5-Ougon-no-Kaze-Wallpaper [Honey's Crush Wednesday] - 5 Giorno Giovanna Highlights from JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind)](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/JoJo-no-Kimyou-na-Bouken-Part-5-Ougon-no-Kaze-Wallpaper.jpg)
The Golden Gang-Star
- Episodes: 39
- Genre: Action, Adventure, Shounen
- Airing Date: October 2018 – Currently Airing
- Studio: David Productions
Golden Wind Preview (No Spoilers)
It’s 2001 in Naples, Italy, and the powerful Passione gang rules the streets. Giorno Giovanna, son of the late Dio Brando (and, by extension, Jonathan Joestar), is determined to stop Passione from selling drugs to kids by joining the gang and reforming it from within. Along the way, he and his squad discover that there’s something far more sinister going on in the depths of the gang world...
Giorno Highlights (Spoilers Beyond This Point)
![JoJo-no-Kimyou-na-Bouken-Part-5-Ougon-no-Kaze-Wallpaper [Honey's Crush Wednesday] - 5 Giorno Giovanna Highlights from JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind)](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Jojos-Bizarre-Adventure-5th-Season-Golden-Win-300x450.jpg)
1. Overcame His Dark Lineage
Just like his father, Giorno had a difficult upbringing filled with neglectful and abusive adults who left him to fend for himself. He probably would’ve turned out just like Dio if he had been forced to claw his way out of his awful life by taking advantage of others, but an anonymous mobster who he saved helped to steer him on the right path.
The mobster protected him from the shadows and taught him the value of trusting in other people. Giorno is still pretty morally grey, but he was able to keep his good heart because of this unknown benefactor.
2. Cunning and Intelligent
Giorno prefers tactful analysis to randomly punching things, and he always keeps his cool in situations where his teammates are flailing. It’s this levelheadedness that helped him be accepted into Bucciarati’s squad in the first place.
He’s also willing to use anything to his advantage, even if it’s somewhat legally or morally corrupt – such as stealing an entire parking lot full of cars instead of just one to make it harder for their enemies to track them. If you’ve got Giorno with you in a fight, you know he’ll lead you to victory somehow.
3. Ruthless To His Enemies
Previous JoJo protagonists rarely killed their enemies unless they were vampires, but Giorno stops that trend dead in its tracks. It starts with his stealth murder of Polpo, the heartless capo who let his stand kill an innocent old man as part of Giorno’s mafia initiation. He turns one of Polpo’s guns into a banana and lets the capo shoot himself in the head.
From then on, almost none of the villains who come after Bucciarati’s gang live to tell the tale. Jotaro and Josuke have been known to deliver hospitalizing beatdowns, but Giorno has no chill whatsoever.
4. Creative With His Stand
Gold Experience’s only power is to transform inanimate objects into living things. This usually takes the form of turning a fence into hanging branches or bills into butterflies, but Giorno gets more creative with its applications as the series goes on.
His most useful ability is creating body parts to repair his teammates’ wounds. It’s not as perfect as Crazy Diamond and doesn’t dull pain, but at least he can heal himself as well.
5. Cares Deeply About His Teammates
Giorno may be anti-heroic, but he’s hardly selfish. He risks his life time and time again to protect his friends’ lives, exposing himself to deadly viruses and enduring horrific injuries to keep them safe. When the team dwindles to only a few members by the end, he regrets that he couldn’t do more to prevent those deaths. Unlike Dio, Giorno actually cares for his comrades and has a much stronger bond with them as a result.
Final Thoughts
![JoJo-no-Kimyou-na-Bouken-Part-5-Ougon-no-Kaze-Wallpaper [Honey's Crush Wednesday] - 5 Giorno Giovanna Highlights from JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind)](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/JoJos-Bizarre-Adventure-Golden-Wind-Wallpaper-500x494.jpg)
Giorno is an unusual protagonist, both for JoJo and for anime in general. He’s a levelheaded, eerily polite, and utterly ruthless gangster whose dream is to control the entire mafia. But if you look closer, he still has a good heart.
What did you think of our Giorno breakdown? What are your favorite things about him? What do you think of his pink suit? Let us know in the comments, and thanks so much for reading!
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