A Yumi Tamura Classic
- Episodes : 12
- Genre : Adventure, Psychological, Drama, Sci-Fi, Romance, Adventure
- Airing Date : June 28, 2019
- Producers : Gonzo
Contains Spoilers
7Seeds Introduction
Based on the award winning manga by Yumi Tamura, 7Seeds is a post-apocalyptic anime of survival as 5 groups of teenagers throughout Japan were selected to preserve mankind years after a meteor shower devastated the present. The 5 groups are separated by the four seasons, winter, spring, summer and winter. With each group consisting of members of attractive genetics and special skills as they were kidnapped in their sleep to be put into cytogenetic preservation when the time is right for them to wake up. However, the summer team has two teams separated as A and B, and while every member of each time has a skill, B consists of non-skilled social misfits. Regardless, they have to work together to ensure their survival. Not only is the world devastated but reverted back to a prehistoric-like environment being largely tropical, large and evolved plants and animals, and the return of dinosaurs!
1. Great Soundtrack
For those that have read the manga, then you’re aware of how music plays a significant part of the series. When it comes to non-moving and non-audio mediums like manga, you can’t exactly feel the music, which is obviously where the anime comes in. The anime does a great job of being faithful to this aspect of the series as each classic song, most notably “Morning Mood,” shows the significance of why we need music in our lives, especially in a world that is reborn. In addition to the classic music, we also have to admit that in the flashback episode of the Ryuugou Shelter, the performances of Maria Miki, a singer who was brought to the shelter, were absolutely stunning and breathtaking.
2. Solid Seiyuu Cast
If there’s any reason to watch 7Seeds, it contains a list of who’s who from the most experienced to the latest up and comers. For the veterans, we have long established names such as Nozomu Sasaki, Kazuhiko Inoue, and Ryotaro Okiayu. For some of the up and coming talent, we have Jun Fukuyama, Nao Toyama, and Yoko Hikasa. Each selected cast member does an excellent job in not just capturing their character, but the chemistry with the rest of the cast as their performances not only suck you into their individual performances, but the interactions as well.
3. Character Development
If anything is the heart and soul of this series, it is without a doubt the development for both the characters individually, and their relationships. When you take into account all the personalities and backgrounds these characters come from, conflict is going to be a part of what happens and that’s human nature. What further drives this series is how the characters try to deal with these conflicting personalities to eventually either go their separate ways so they don’t have to deal with each other anymore, or find a way to work together. For the individual development, you see this with most of the Summer B cast since they came into this world with the least experience and education.
1. Some Characters Take Time to Like
Natsu, who is one of the characters first introduced into the series, is really hard to like at first. She’s slow, clumsy, and feels like she’s a burden to the group. She’s practically a good percentage of Shoujo characters for the past 20 years or so. When you first look at her, she’s really difficult to like because the nature of her character is so trendy. However, by the end of the this part of the series, she does start to develop organically and she becomes relatable. You just have to give her time.
2. Character Designs Between the Anime and Manga
We have to admit that this can be controversial to many fans and non-fans alike. If you’re familiar with the original 7Seeds manga or any of Yumi Tamura’s works, then you know she has this very distinguishing style and it’s very difficult to put into anime form. Her style is more complimentary of the rougher styles of the 80s, while the designs of the anime has more of the present softer style. The anime does a great job in “modernizing” the designs, and we have to admit that it is a mixed bag for viewers. Some may prefer Tamura’s original style and that needs to be preserved in anime form, or some may not like the rougher style of the original manga.
3. Should Have Been Released as a Whole
For those that have seen Basara, we understand your feelings in regard to this matter. The Basara anime debuted right around the time the manga ended and yet only covered a small part of it. We understand 7Seeds fans are concerned with history repeating itself since we have only gotten 12 episodes so far. Considering that Netflix has gone out of its way of labeling it part 1, we can anticipate we’re getting more this time. If not, hopefully fans can lawyer up and sue for false advertising!
Final Thoughts

Despite what the anime has shown so far, what we’re getting so far is only just the beginning. There is so much more to see and more songs to hear. The anime has done a decent job of adapting the manga for modern audiences, and when it comes to Ango and Ryo, fans want to see how their stories develop in anime form. So let’s hope that Gonzo can hurry up and finish the series! If not, we guess there’s always the manga to read.
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