When it comes to developing an interest in anime, the average person might be surprised at just how many different genres of anime there actually are. Action, science fiction, romance, a...
ReadmoreOther Reference: Takakura Shouma & Takakura Kanba (Mawaru Penguindrum) Throughout our entire lives, we’re always trying to find and relate to people that are similar to us in some...
ReadmoreTop 10 Best Anime Quotes The quote often goes that “actions speak louder than words”. Sometimes, however, something someone says can be just as impactful as something someone does...
ReadmoreRave Master is a classic example of a series that starts with the main protagonist leading a regular life until a messenger comes and charges them with undertaking a journey to attempt t...
ReadmoreRory Mercury (Gate) As most hard core anime fans are aware of, there are many different visual styles that anime girls portray to represent and differentiate themselves from one anoth...
ReadmoreNowadays, anime has been around long enough for there to be a wide selection of movies to choose from in addition to TV shows and manga. It’s even vast enou...
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