What You Need to Know:
- All of you Kickstarter supporters can now rejoice in excitement as Magnus Games' title, Re:Legend, more than well exceeded its Kickstarter expectations, being funded over 600% of what they initially posted. The goal was reached within 18 hours, and over 5,700 backers have now supported Re:Legend and taken it past all but the final stretch goal. Re:Legend has raised over SGD $475,000 (about USD $348,000).
- With the console stretch goals met, Magnus Games can now confirm that Re:Legend will be launching on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in addition to PC. Thanks to overwhelming fan support, the number of weapons available in the game has been expanded―and hidden, legendary Magnus added to the island of Vokka.
- Kickstarter backers can look forward to exciting rewards like Beta access to Re:Legend, limited edition Magnus plushies, digital or physical art books, designing a Magnus and its evolutions, or even appearing as a villager NPC in-game. The Kickstarter campaign ends today.
Source: Official Press Release
Official Trailers
Burak Day Theme Flute Live Recording
Re:Legend Kickstarter Trailer

I seriously can't wait for this game to come out! It combines the essence of Harvest Moon with the adventure aspects of Final Fantasy and even Monster Rancher.

Yeah I totally agree, and just the character designs look so cute! Wow, you mentioned Monster Rancher! Nostalgic!
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