What You Need to Know:
- One of the more.... unique spring anime, Reikenzan, has earned a special ranking anomg viewers.
- Based off a Chinese Manhua, a lot of viewers have had issues following some parts of the plot saying that while it is interesting, the backstory seems to be a bit deeper.
- Well today it has been confirmed that a second season will air! While you wait for us to break more news, check out our database page to learn more about the series if you have not seen it yet!

Source: Yaraon Blog
Reactions Around the Web
L M A O This garbage gets a scond season but we don't get more Musaigen?
Please use real singers for the OP and ED for the second season!
Yay! I don't know why but yay! I'll go watch the first season now!
A second season huh....

Whut.... what was this anime even about?? I remember families fighting... some magic sword and a special soul right?

I mean your guess is mine bee-kun. However I did not see the first season, but I am going to watch it now!
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