It’s Fortnite Battle Royale Season 6, and things are getting real spooky. This time around, the challenges are more involved than ever before. Multiple stages, multiple ways to complete them, and involving more play time now than previous seasons. You’ll want to complete every single one of them to not only earn the Week 10 hidden skin but unlock upgrades for the Calamity and Dire skins. Here we go with details on completing the very first week!
Free Tier Challenges:
- Pickup a Legendary Item in 3 different matches
- Regain 150 health from a Cozy Campfire
- Stage 1-3: Search Loot Containers
Battle Pass Challenges
- Apply 500 Shields
- Stage 1-5: Land at Named Locations
- Dance under 7 different Streetlight Spotlights
- Eliminate an opponent in 5 different Named Locations
Pickup a Legendary Item in 3 different matches
To complete this challenge, all you need to do is pick up something gold and shiny from the ground. You can even die immediately after picking it up! In fact, if that’s all your going for, then that might even be faster. Even a Bush consumable is fair game here.
Regain 150 health from a Cozy Campfire
Just finding a Cozy Campfire can be difficult enough sometimes, but in order to complete this you’ll need to use it. If things are quiet enough and you’re in a rush to complete this, you can damage yourself by building up and then falling a few times. Keep in mind that the campfire will only heal 50 HP per use. You can, however, stack multiple together and sit between them but, at minimum, you’re going to need 3 of these to finish the challenge.
Stage 1-3: Search Loot Containers
This three stage quest will probably take you the longest. Just like last season, you never need to find a Llama until you need to find a Llama. They’re so elusive when it actually matters. Here are the steps:
Stage 1: 3 Chests
Stage 2: 2 Supply Drops
Stage 3: 1 Loot Llama
Apply 500 Shields
You’re going to develop a drinking problem popping all these Shields. Mini Potions will heal you up to 50 in 25 increments, Big Potions will give you 50 with every use, and Slurps can take you to 75 if you start at 0 with full health. You’ll get this eventually with just casual play. You can also use a Chug Jug or eat Mushrooms around the map to get a lot of progress quickly.
Final Thoughts
That’s it for this portion of the Battle Pass challenges for Week 1. We’ll be back for the Map specific ones in another guide so be on the lookout for that. Any comments or feedback are welcome in the comments so feel free to chime in!
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