Fortnite Battle Pass Guide - Week 1

Fortnite-Battle-Pass-Guide-Wallpaper-700x394 Fortnite Battle Pass Guide - Week 1

Another season of Fortnite Battle Royale means another season of Battle Pass challenges. For the first week of the Battle Pass things are a little different than we’ve seen them before. First, the sky is littered with lightning bolts, accenting the already ominous sky with the tears and rifts littered throughout. We’ll be doing a rough overview of what you can do boots on the ground, and another guide will fill out the Week 1 map location details.

Free Tier Challenges

  • Deal damage with SMGs to Opponents - 5 Battle Stars
  • Search a Supply Llama - 5 Battlestars
  • Clinger, Stink Bomb, or Grenade Eliminations - 10 Battle Stars

Battle Pass Challenges

  • Search Chests in Snobby Shores - 5 Battle Stars
  • Search Floating Lightning Bolts - 5 Battle Stars
  • Follow the Treasure Map found in Risky Reels - 10 Battle Stars
  • Eliminate opponents in Retail Row - 10 Battle Stars

Deal 500 Damage with SMGs

First off, you’re going to need either the Suppressed SMG, Submachine Gun, Drum Gun, or Compact SMG to complete this challenge. It’s pretty self-explanatory and very easy as SMGs are currently the META as of this writing. Drum Gun will allow you to complete this easiest. The gun has a large clip, deals a lot of damage to players, and obliterates structures.

If you’re having difficulty completing this with kills, just remember even an opponent that doesn’t get downed or one already downed receives damage. Just load up 50v50 and shoot at whatever moves.

Search a Supply Llama

You probably found a dozen of these the day before this challenge came out, and you’ll probably find a dozen more after you finish it. Unfortunately, finding the one you’re looking for is going to be tough. There are only three of these on any given map, and just to ensure you get this to complete, take the risk and slowly open the creature instead of whacking it to death with your pickaxe.

Clinger, Stink Bomb, or Grenade Eliminations

Clingers will probably be your best bet. You need to down or kill 3 opponents you’ve already downed with these items. You can simply down someone and then chuck a plunger at them and watch them squirm. They even drop in bunches of three so that makes this perfect. If you want to use Stink Bombs, make sure you pickaxe them a bit first to weaken them and then walk away so you don’t succumb to the smell. For grenades, just lob and lob and lob.

Eliminate opponents in Retail Row

Do you land shops or houses? You really can’t safely bet on going either, but the Bookstore at the end of the retail shops typically has reliable loot. A chest, floor loot spawns and bookshelves to smash to get much-needed wood, it’s saved a few lives in heated battles. Always try to maintain high ground in this area, especially near the houses. You don’t want some jerk shooting at you from a gap in the wall at one of the broken houses.

Final Thoughts

We’ll be continuing the rest of the map location items related to Week 1 in another guide so look forward to that. Get to grinding players! Have a funny story from this week’s challenges? Let us know in the comments!

Fortnite-Battle-Pass-Guide-Wallpaper-700x394 Fortnite Battle Pass Guide - Week 1


Author: Hercule SSJ

What happens when you give a Crunchyroll trial to a former Toonami kid who hasn't watched anime since Cowboy Bebop got dubbed? You get Hercule SSJ. Thanks to that, he's spent the last two years catching up on dozens of shows and manga he's neglected over the years. Has probably watched 60% of all harem ecchi in existence. Currently seeking series to fill the void left by Konosuba and One-Punch Man. Accepts NisiOisiN quotes as payment.

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